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           Dec 15th, 2016

Dear <<First Name>>,

In this SPECIAL EDITION of The Cornell Institute for Climate Smart Solutions (CICSS) Quarterly Chronicle, we are providing an abbreviated newsletter before the end of the year to share updates on the upcoming Online Course we will be offering in January 2017, some of the major events from this fall, and to provide a link to the donation page on our website for tax-deductible donations to support the work of the Institute in 2017.

We will be back with another edition of the newsletter in 2017, with additional updates. Until then, enjoy reading and please feel free to reach out with any feedback. Happy Holidays!

                                                                 - Jonathan, Allison, and Mike


Sign up for our online course!

BF 107: Climate Smart Farming

Attention new farmers, gardeners and interested adult learners! As part of the Cornell Small Farms Program Beginning Farmers Project, CICSS is offering a NEW online course entitled BF 107: "Climate Smart Farming: Developing an Action Plan for Your Farm to Stay One Step Ahead of Climate Change." The course will be held from Jan 17th to Feb 21st, with webinars on Tuesdays from 6:30 - 8:00 PM.

Participants will learn from climate experts, educators, and fellow farmers on ways they can proactively approach challenges such as drought, flooding, summer heat stress, changing seasons, freeze risk, and heightened pest and weed pressures. These practices are not only good for climate preparedness, but also help farms increase their bottom line by building soil health, reducing stress on animals, increasing energy efficiency and efficiency of farm inputs, and protecting crop yields. 

LIMITED TIME OFFER: For the 2017 roster only, attend this course for just $50 (usually $250)! Preferred registration by January 10th. Click HERE for more info and registration information.

Quick Project Updates

COP 22 in Marrakech

CICSS, along with the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future, organized and led Cornell's Official Delegation to the 22nd Annual Conference of the Parties (COP 22), the UN Global Climate Change Summit. This COP was termed the “COP of Action” by the Moroccan Government, as it focused on action items needed to achieve the priorities of The Paris Agreement. 14 members of the Cornell community (faculty, staff and students) were represented at COP 22, following up on our strong presence at COP 21 in Paris. The Delegation hosted and attended side events, shared our research at the Cornell booth, and met with the US Ambassador to Morocco (a Cornell alum)! We are planning follow-up events for the Cornell community and beginning the organizational process for attending COP 23 in Germany in 2017. 

A Busy Fourth Quarter

CICSS has been very busy over the last quarter!
  • We have been preparing grant proposals for the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture: the first project would develop a plan to create a new Climate Master Volunteer Program for the Cooperative Extension system; and the second project would develop an integrated model for assessing how climate change and land use relate to agricultural intensification and supply chains.
  • Jonathan Lambert and Art DeGaetano traveled to Florida for a the Conference on Weather and Climate Decision Tools for Farmers, Ranchers, and Land Managers with key experts in the field. CICSS was represented via 4 talks, a poster and an interactive tools cafe with our new CSF tools.
  • CICSS is gearing up to once again offer the Cornell University Climate Change Seminar in the Spring; we will also make available free webinars each week to participate remotely.
  • We just published a new Research and Policy Brief on agricultural resiliency to severe weather.
  • Mike Hoffmann and Allison Chatrchyan traveled to meet with the New World Foundation, Hudson Valley Farm Hub to speak with their Pro Farmer Program farmer trainees about climate change, agriculture, and our decision support tools.
  • With our CSF Extension Team, we are preparing to present the Climate Smart Farming Program at many winter meetings such as the New York State Ag Society Forum, the Empire State Producers Expo, the Northeast Organic Farming Association meetings in NY and VT, and more! Please stop by our exhibits and presentations if you will be at these events.

Donate to Help CICSS Grow!

In this climate of increasing uncertainty, CICSS is committed to developing and offering climate change online courses, supporting climate change outreach, and providing research-based information and tools for farmers and stakeholders in New York and beyond.

Tax deductible donations via our donations website from supporters like you will help provide the Institute with sustainable core funding to continue our important work in 2017. The Climate Institute, and our Climate Smart Farming (CSF) Program, were launched through the backing of several small grants and foundations, and we have used these funds, as well as individual donations, to support facilitation of interdisciplinary climate-change related research, education, outreach/extension, and partnerships. Please consider an end-of-year donation if you can. Thank you for your support!



CICSS research, education, and outreach work is made possible through funding from several grants, including USDA NIFA Federal Capacity Funds (Hatch and Smith Lever funds), the USDA NE Climate Hub (through an Agricultural Research Service, Cooperative Agreement), and through the insightful funding from the New World Foundation, Local Economies Project. We gratefully acknowledge our funders' support.

Thank You

Thank you very much for supporting the Cornell Institute for Climate Smart Solutions!
Let us know if you have any feedback or further ideas for CICSS by emailing us here.

If you are not subscribed, please consider joining our subscriber list for quarterly CICSS and Climate Smart Farming updates, and send us an email if you have anything you would like considered for the next issue!
Donate to CICSS
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