Shu-Bing Qian
Assistant Professor
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Current Activities
Current Professional Activities
Cornell graduate field memberships: Nutritional Sciences (NS), Genes & Development (G&D),
Current Research Activities
A proper balance between synthesis, maturation and degradation of cellular proteins is crucial for cells to function properly. The costly process of protein synthesis is tightly coupled to energy status and nutrient levels by mTOR signaling pathway, whereas the quality of newly synthesized polypeptides is largely maintained by molecular chaperone and ubiquitin-proteasome systems. Our laboratory has a long standing interest in the molecular linkage between the cytosolic stress response and nutrient signaling pathways. By disrupting molecular chaperone network using genetic approach, we are investigating the adaptive stress response at the cellular and organismal levels. In addition, we are interested in deciphering the regulatory mechanism of mTOR using advanced technology such as Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET). Because of the central role of mTOR in growth and metabolism, the elucidation of the regulatory mechanism may offer novel opportunities for treating human diseases, such as cancer, diabetes and neurodegenerative disorders.
Biographical Statement
Dr. Shu-Bing Qian received his MSc and PhD degrees in Biochemistry with honors in 1997 and 2000, respectively, from Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical School (formerly Shanghai Second Medical University). He then conducted two postdoctoral fellowships at the National Institutes of Health (Bethesda, MD) and University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill, NC) in the field of Cell Biology. Before he joined Cornell University, he was a Research Assistant Professor at UNC (2006-2008). He became an Assistant Professor in the Division of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University in July 2008.
Most of the work in Dr. Qian's laboratory is broadly interdisciplinary, with a primary emphasis on nutrient sensing mechanism. Using biochemical, genetic, and cell biology approach, the Qian laboratory investigates nutritional and genetic determinants of adaptive stress response and the respective implications in human diseases. Specific research interests include the interaction between intracellular protein quality and quantity control pathways, as well as regulatory mechanisms of nutrient sensing system mTOR (the mammalian target of rapamycin). Motivated by potential application to health issues, the Qian laboratory is dedicated to understanding the molecular basis of metabolic disorders and neurodegenerative diseases.
PostDoc, ~ 2008 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
PostDoc, ~ 2004 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
Ph.D., 2000 Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical School, Biochemistry
M.Sc., 1997 Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical School, Biochemistry
Courses, Websites, Pubs
Courses Taught
NS4010 Empirical Research
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Selected Publications
Xia T , Dimitropoulou C , Zeng J , Antonova GN , Snead C , Venema RC , Fulton D , Qian SB , Patterson C , Papapetropoulos A , Catravas JD . Chaperone-dependent E3 ligase CHIP ubiquitinates and mediates proteasomal degradation of soluble guanylyl cyclase. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2007; 293:H3080-3087
Qian SB, McDonough H, Boellmann F, Cyr DM, Patterson C. CHIP-mediated stress recovery by sequential ubiquitination of substrates and Hsp70. Nature 2006; 440: 551-555.
Qian SB, Reits E, Neefjes J, Deslich JM, Bennink JR, and Yewdell JW. Tight linkage between translation and MHC-class I peptide ligand generation implies specialized antigen processing for defective ribosomal products. J Immunol 2006; 177: 227-233.
Qian SB, Princiotta MF, Bennink JR, Yewdell JW. Characterization of rapidly degraded polypeptides in mammalian cells reveals a novel layer of nascent protein quality control. J Biol Chem 2006; 281(1):392-400.
Dai Q, Qian SB, Li HH, McDonough H, Borchers C, Huang D, Takayama S, Younger JM, Ren HY, Cyr DM, Patterson C. Regulation of the cytoplasmic quality control protein degradation pathway by BAG2. J Biol Chem 2005; 280(46):38673-38681.
Shaffer AL, Shapiro-Shelef M, Iwakoshi NN, Qian SB, Zhao H, Yu X, et al. XBP1 acts downstream of Blimp-1 to regulate ER biogenesis, oeganelle expansion, and protein synthesis during plasma cell differentiation. Immunity 2004; 21(1):81-93.
Princiotta MF, Finzi D, Qian SB, Gibbs J, Schuchmann S, Buttgereit F, Bennink JR, Yewdell JW. Quantitating protein synthesis, degradation, and endogenous antigen processing. Immunity 2003; 18(3):343-354.
Qian SB, Ott DE, Schubert U, Bennink JR, Yewdell JW. Fusion proteins with COOH-terminal ubiquitin are stable and maintain dual functionality in vivo. J Biol Chem 2002; 277(41):38818-38826.
Qian SB, Li Y, Qian GX, and Chen SS. Efficient tumor regression induced by genetically engineered tumor cells secreting interleukin-2 and membrane-expressing allogeneic MHC class I antigen. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2001; 127(1): 27-33.
Qian SB, and Chen SS. Blocked transport of soluble Kb molecules containing connecting peptide segment involved in calnexin association. Int Immunol 2000; 12(10): 1409-1416.
Xie Q, Liao D, Zhou XQ, Qian SB, Cheng SS. Transduction of primary rat hepatocytes with bicistronic retroviral vector. World J Gastroenterol 2000; 6(5):725-729.
Qian SB, Qian GX, and Chen SS. Enhanced immunogenecity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells transduced with human gamma-interferon gene via retroviral vector. Acta Univ Med 2nd Shanghai 1999; 11(2): 90-94.
Qian SB, and Chen SS. Transduction of human hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines transduced with human gamma-interferon gene via retroviral vector. World J Gastroenter 1998; 4(3): 210-213.
Qian SB, Zhang TF, and Chen SS. Enhanced expression of HLA class I molecules in human hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines transduced with human gamma-interferon gene. Chin Med J (Eng) 1998; 111(4): 319-322.