Uterine neoplasia in a Vietnamese Pot-Bellied Pig
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An adult intact female Vietnamese pot-bellied pig (Sus scrofa) presented to the internal medicine service at Cornell’s Equine and Farm Animal Hospital (EFAH) for evaluation of a six week history of inappetence and weight loss. On presentation a physical exam was performed and abdominal palpation detected a mass within the mid-abdomen. Ultrasound revealed a large space occupying lesion in the mid-abdomen displacing the viscera both caudally and cranially. The origin of the mass could not be determined with ultrasound alone, but computed tomography (CT) determined that the mass was originating from the reproductive tract without invasion into adjacent organs. An exploratory laparotomy was performed and the mass was identified andexcised with the reproductive tract via an ovariohysterectomy. Samples were submitted for histopathology and revealed the primary mass to be a fibroleiomyoma along with adenocarcinoma, and cystic endometrial hyperplasia. The patient was treated with post-operative pain medications and discharged. She later died due to complications associated with renal disease.
Journal / Series
Seminar SF610.1 2011