Intraluminal tracheal stent placement as treatment for collapsing trachea in a dog
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A 10 year old, intact, male Pomeranian dog presented to the soft tissue surgery service at Cornell on May 22, 2003 with a chief complaint of a chronic cough and dyspnea. He had a chronic cough since 1998 which had been medically managed with moderate success. In February, 2003 his breathing became more difficult, including a few episodes of cyanotic collapse. Physical exam revealed clear lung sounds, but an inspiratory stridor could easily be induced with moderate exercise. Fluoroscopy and tracheoscopy revealed a dynamically collapsing trachea during inspiration. This article will discuss the presentation, pathogenesis and treatment options for collapsing trachea syndrome as well as present a new treatment modality which was used in this case: intraluminal Nitinol tracheal stent placement.
Journal / Series
Seminar SF610.1 2004 A853