Kyrgyz Republic: Second Vocational Education and Skills Development Project
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The seven priority sectors outlined in the Kyrgyz Republic’s Medium-Term Development Plan include construction, mining, energy, tourism, textiles and garment, land transport, and agriculture/agroprocessing. These sectors jointly constitute 54% of gross domestic product and 63% of formal employment and are expected to drive the economy and create jobs for the growing number of unemployed, particularly among youth. However, many enterprises experience difficulties in finding skilled workers, underscoring the mismatch between the outputs of the education and training sector and labor market needs. The Kyrgyz Republic’s technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system is meant to develop skilled workers and craftspersons, technicians, and middle-level staff. It aims to address the Kyrgyz Republic’s human resource needs to achieve its economic objectives. However, enrollment in the TVET system is small. The quality and relevance of TVET also suffer from outdated curriculum and pedagogical practices, aging teaching staff, inadequate and obsolete equipment, weak institutional management, insufficient funding, and weak links with industry. Coordination between the different type en managing between the different type organizations is also weak.