Andrew Dickson White papers microfilm reel 64, July 17, 1895-December 1895
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White reestablished his household in Ithaca and had several exchanges with Sage about the term of his lease. Sage wrote suggesting White invite George M. Pullman to become a Cornell trustee, but on October 30 Pullman declined. White wrote Hewett lengthy letters about his part in the founding of the university. He received a number of invitations to lecture, and spoke several times in Buffalo and Rochester before his lecture plans and his correcting of Warfare of Science proofs were interrupted by another diplomatic appointment. On December 21 Halls expressed some doubt about the wisdom of White's accepting appointment to the Venezuela Boundary Commission, but on the 27th White wrote the President a letter of acceptance. In a letter to Goldwin Smith on December 3 White suggested some redistribution of territory among the European powers as a possible solution of the Turkish-Armenian problem.