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The Pond Guidebook (NRAES 178 - FRONT MATTER ONLY)

dc.contributor.authorOchterski, Jim
dc.contributor.authorSwistock, Bryan
dc.contributor.authorKraft, Clifford
dc.contributor.authorSchneider, Rebecca
dc.descriptionThis 76 page publication (NRAES-178) was originally published by the Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service (NRAES, previously known as the Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service), a multi-university program in the Northeast US disbanded in 2011. Plant and Life Sciences Publishing (PALS) was subsequently formed to manage the NRAES catalog. Ceasing operations in 2018, PALS was a program of the Department of Horticulture in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) at Cornell University. PALS assisted university faculty in publishing, marketing and distributing books for small farmers, gardeners, land owners, workshops, college courses, and consumers.
dc.description.abstractIncludes insights and management tips for pond owners and those considering constructing a pond. Based on research and experience, the book addresses water chemistry, construction, safety, weed management, fish selection, nuisance wildlife, beach construction, leaking, and more. Oriented to the Great Lakes, Mid-Atlantic, and Northeastern United States. It includes 34 photos, 24 illustrations, and management tips. DUE TO OUSTANDING COPYRIGHT ISSUES OR CLEARLY IDENTIFIED OUT-OF-DATE PRACTICES (E.G. SAFETY CONCERNS), ONLY THE FRONT MATTER (E.G. COVER, ToC, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, ETC) ARE PROVIDED HERE AT THIS TIME. Print copies of this item can be found at libraries listed here: www.worldcat.org/oclc/156994400
dc.identifier.citationOchterski, J. (2007). The pond guidebook. Ithaca, N.Y.: Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service, Cooperative Extension.
dc.publisherNatural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service (NRAES)
dc.subjectPond Aquaculture
dc.subjectPond Design and Construction
dc.subjectPond Plants
dc.subjectPond Animals
dc.subjectRural-Land Management
dc.titleThe Pond Guidebook (NRAES 178 - FRONT MATTER ONLY)


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