

Isospora in scouring camel calves

dc.contributor.authorHerbert, Diane
dc.description.abstractDuring the summer of 2000, a parasitic investigation was performed on camel calves in Kenya through the Expanding Horizons Program at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. There was a history of severe diarrhea and death in a significant number of calves during previous years. The intestinal parasite Isospora was found in the feces of five camel calves udner the age of 30 days. Four of these calves had clinical signs of diarrhea and dehydration, and one of these calves died. Isospora was also found in one stunted calf that was not experiencing diarrhea. There were approximately 12 calves under the age of 30 days that were studied. These calves were from 4 herds on two different ranches (two herds on Kisima Ranch and two herds on 'Ol Maisor Ranch). Each herd consisted of approximately 100 camels. The study took place in the Laikipia District of Kenya, which is north of Mount Kenya. It is a semi-arid region that is composed of large ranches that range from 40,000-50,000 acres approximately. These ranches are used for raising livestock such as cattle, sheep, and goats, and in some areas the land is used for farming. Most of the ranches also have several hundred camels for producing milk. The camel milk is distribute daily to the workers who live on the ranch, and it is a major component of their diet.
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSenior seminar paperen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSeminar SF610.1 2003 H47
dc.subjectCamels -- Parasites -- Case studiesen_US
dc.titleIsospora in scouring camel calvesen_US
dc.typeterm paperen_US


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