Acute myeloid leukemia in an Irish Setter
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An eight year old male castrated Irish Setter presented to the Emergency/Critical Care Service at Cornell University's Hospital for Animals in April 2007 after an acute onset of emesis and melena that was preceded by a two week history of lethargy, anorexia, and weight loss. Significant physical exam findings included tachycardia with "snappy" pulses, pale and tacky mucous membranes, and popliteal lymph node asymmetry. Baseline bloodwork revealed moderate anemia, leukocytosis, neutropenia with a regenerative left shift, lymphocytosis, thrombocytopenia, hypoalbuminemia, and elevated liver enzyme activity. Blood cytology identified two distinct populations of circulating immature blast cells, suggestive of either lymphoma or acute leukemia. Bone marrow cytology and flow cytometry were performed after initial stabilization of the patient and led to a diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia. This case presentation serves as a model to discuss a clinically relevant approach to diagnosing acute myeloid leukemia.
Journal / Series
Seminar SF610.1 2008 E54