Prepubic tendon rupture and urachal stenosis
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On March 3, 2005, Sophie, a ten year old Thoroughbred mare was presented to Cornell University Hospital for Animals Reproductive Medicine Service for management of pregnancy and an abdominal wall rupture. On presentation she was in severe pain, had mild shock, and was moderately dehydrated. She was given epidural morphine, intravenous butorphanol, and intravenous fluids. A tight belly wrap was placed to support her abdomen. She was given a bran mash to prevent constipation and colic. After appearing comfortable, she became progressively worse the next day. She was started on lidocaine CRI, and was also given epidural morphine and intravenous detomidine and banamine. Her pain could not be controlled and she was euthanized. The owners elected to try to save the foal but the foal was grossly abnormal and was euthanized. On necropsy, it was discovered that the foal had a stenosis of the urachus leading to an enlarged bladder and hydronephrosis.
Journal / Series
Seminar SF610.1 2006 A83