Management of chronic degenerative joint disease using aqua-acupuncture in a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
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A nine year old female spayed Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, presented on 12/16/10 for evaluation of episodes of lethargy and difficulty climbing stairs and jumping on the couch for the last 6 months, as well as back pain.
A diagnosis of chronic degenerative joint disease of the hips and stifles and type II intervertebral disc disease was presumptively made based on history and physical examination, and confirmed with bloodwork and imaging. Eastern diagnosis included yang and kidney deficiency. An acupuncture protocol was designed using aqua-acupuncture at the following points:
•BL-23, BL-24, BL-25, ST-36, BL-11, BL-60
•KID-3, GB-39, GV-20, GV-3 a, b, c
•Jian-jiao, Ba-shan, Huan-tiao, Huan-zhong, Huan-hou
The patient was treated for a total of 20 acupuncture treatments. After the 3rd acupuncture treatment, the patient’s owners began to notice her more active and playful. They reported her able to jump on the couch and climb stairs with greater ease. Repeat physical exams revealed more comfort along the lumbar spine and increased mobility in the hips. This report will describe the concept of acupuncture analgesia, the pathophysiologic basis of acupuncture and desired effects such as the release of endogenous opioids and immune system stimulation.
Journal / Series
Seminar SF610.1 2011