The Global Employer Magazine: 2015 Review and 2016 Preview
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2015 was another busy year in terms of legal changes and developments around the world. In this "2015 Review and 2016 Preview" edition of the Global Employer Magazine we summarize some of these important changes. In the "2015 Review of developments and trends" tables below we have set out some of the main developments that took place in 2015 and provided recommended actions or tips on how employers should operate in light of these developments in 2016. For some countries, instead of covering developments, we have referred to trends that we saw in 2015 and again, set out some actions to help employers deal with these trends in the relevant country in 2016. In the "2016 Preview of important forthcoming changes" tables, we preview pending legislation and case developments for which employers should "stay tuned". Please note that, as there were so many developments, we haven't been able to cover them all. Instead, we have chosen some of the most important or interesting developments. Where possible, we have also added a general impact rating to help show the significance of some of the developments, with 5 being a very significant or important development. Of course, the significance and importance of the development is subject to each employer's circumstances. In addition, some of the entries don't have a rating due to the fact that they include only general commentary on developments, trends or potential political changes. The information below is provided by region in the following order: Asia Pacific, Europe Middle East & Africa, Latin America and North America.