IgA multiple myeloma and bilateral retinal detachment in the dog : a case report
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A 10 year-old male intact chocolate Labrador Retriever presented for evaluation of sudden onset blindness of one month duration. On physical exam, the patient was bright and alert with slightly pale mucous membranes. Blindness was evidenced by difficulty in navigating the exam room. Ophthalmologic exam revealed bilaterally dilated pupils, absent menace and PLR OU, and 360? bulbous retinal detachments OU. Differential diagnoses included systemic hypertension, hyperviscosity syndrome, exudative choroiditis, systemic infection, neoplasia, and immune-mediated disorders. Critical diagnostic findings included a mild non-regenerative anemia with hypergammaglobulinemia. Serum electrophoresis revealed a bi-modal gammopathy confirmed to be of IgA origin by immunoglobulin quantification. Bone marrow aspiration cytology showed that approximately 75% of the total cells were plasma cells. Based on these findings, a diagnosis of IgA myeloma was made. Treatment with Melphalan? and prednisone was initiated and remission was achieved 5 months after initiating treatment.
Journal / Series
Seminar SF610.1 2005 J47