Building African Support for Agricultural Biotechnology
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Solution Scenario Concept: In Asia smallholders are rapidly expanding the cultivation of GM (Genetically Modified) crops while smallholders in 50 of the 51 countries in Africa are not currently growing GM crops. The “biotechnology divide” between African and Asian smallholders is attributed to fears over food safety and environmental issues and a general lack of knowledge and outreach capacity to inform African political leaders, farmers and consumers about the complex issues surrounding biotech crops. Using biotechnology as a core issue and emerging opportunity, this project will help build biotechnology educational and outreach capacity at 25 agricultural universities and Faculties of Agriculture in Africa and 25 in South Asia which can then be scaled up to include several hundred universities by drawing on the resource-base and experiences of these pilot universities. The full range of information technology will be used to inform smallholder farmers and urban consumers about the Asian and global experience with growing GM crops.