Medical Management of a Juvenile Cold-Stunned Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle (Lepidocliyles kempil)
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In December 2016 a juvenile Kemp's ridley sea turtle was found stranded and minimally responsive on a beach in Cape Cod, Massachusetts and transported to the New England Aquarium for care. Initial blood work, radiographs and physical exam findings were consistent with disease associated with cold-stunning. The turtle was stabilized and over the course of several weeks treated for persistent pneumonia, anorexia and lethargy. Investigation of a firm mass within the right pre-femoral fossa was also pursued. Advanced diagnostics utilized in this case included computed tomography, ultrasound, tracheal wash, and surgical biopsies under general anesthesia. This case report will discuss cold-stunning in sea turtles and outline common physiologic derangements and pathologic findings. Management of disease associated with coldĀstunning will also be examined.