Dairy Farm Business Summary: A Computer Program Users' Guide and Reference Manual
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Farm business management projects are a basic part of the agricultural extension program in New York State, The New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University, and the County Extension staffs, cooperate in sponsoring the projects, Records submitted by New York State dairyfarmers provide the basis for extension educational programs and data for applied research studies. Extension agents and specialists enroll the cooperators and collect the records. Regional summary reports are prepared by the college staff for use by the agents •. Each cooperator receives a summary and analysis of his or her business, and a regional report for making comparisons. These extension activities aim to help the operators develop their managerial skills and solve business management problems. The DFBS computer program organizes and summarizes dairy farm business and financial data, computes important business management factors, and prints a farm business summary and analysis for individual dairyfarmers. The farm business and financial data is keyed directly from a multiple page check-in form to the minicomputer using 12 input screens, data is verified, and a six page individual farm summary plus diagnostics is produced. DFBS does not produce county, regional or state summaries.