Panosteitis in a German shepherd puppy
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An eleven month old, castrated male, German shepherd dog, presented to the Cornell University Hospital for Animals (CUHA) Orthopedic service in June 2015, for a right thoracic limb lameness of two weeks duration. He had previously presented to the CUHA Emergency service four months prior for acute lameness in his left thoracic limb. On physical examination, the patient was weight bearing with a right thoracic limb lameness. Orthopedic examination was performed under sedation due to patient hyper-excitability; it revealed mild crepitus in the right elbow, no evidence of elbow effusion, and pain on right elbow flexion and extension. There was no evidence of long bone pain. The diagnosis of panosteitis was made after a computed tomography (CT) scan and radiographs were performed. Treatment included Carprofen, Tramadol as needed, and exercise restriction. This paper will include an overview of the proposed etiology and pathophysiology for panosteitis as well as diagnosis and recommendations for treatment.