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Even though 35% of the migration is between developing countries, most of the literature on the impact of international migration on natives' fiscal contributions and internal mobility decisions is concentrated among OECD countries. In this dissertation, in the first two chapters, I investigate the effects of the arrival of Venezuelan immigrants to Colombia on the fiscal contributions and internal mobility of natives. The third chapter explores the potential for chocolate made from CCN-51 to substitute high-quality chocolate. In the first chapter, along with Carlos Mesa Guerra, we reexamine the effect of immigration on public finances by accounting for second-order effects. We exploit exogenous variation in immigration across Colombian metropolitan areas between 2013 and 2018, resulting from the significant increase in Venezuelan immigrants and instrument immigrants’ residential locations using pre-existing settlement patterns and the distance between origin-destination flows. Our findings indicate that immigration did not reduce natives’ average fiscal contributions. In the second chapter, I exploit plausible exogenous variation in immigration from Venezuela across Colombian states to study the effect of changes in immigration inflows on changes in natives’ net migration rates and their components (in and out-migration rates) between 2014-2019. I found no evidence that immigration from Venezuela induces changes in net-migration rates across Colombian states. I also found evidence that although changes in immigration rates are positively associated with natives’ out-migration and negatively associated with natives’ in-migration rates, the effects are not distinguishable from zero once confidence sets robust to weak instruments are constructed. In the third chapter, I used an auction experiment to study the hedonic properties and the factors affecting the WTP for Ecuadorian chocolate produced with different cacao, including the CCN-51 cacao hybrid. We find that smell ratings favored the highest quality cacao compared to the CCN-51 hybrid; however, there were no differences in taste ratings. We also found no difference in mean WTP between the national variety and the CCN-51 cacao hybrid, even when information on the quality and nutritional value of the cacao was provided. Results suggest that the expansion in the use of CCN-51 cacao in chocolate production is a plausible alternative to deal with the potential shortage of chocolate.

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224 pages


Date Issued




Auction; Chocolate; Colombia; Fiscal costs; Internal mobility; Venezuelan immigration


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Committee Chair

Donaghy, Kieran

Committee Co-Chair

Committee Member

Kahn, Lawrence
Gomez, Miguel

Degree Discipline

Regional Science

Degree Name

Ph. D., Regional Science

Degree Level

Doctor of Philosophy

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