The Dairyman's Guide to Milk Marketing
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The material in this publication was originally prepared as a series of informational letters on milk marketing for use by dairymen, dairy leaders, cooperatives and others interested in the subject. Because substantial revision of the original copy was not undertaken, the presentation of the material is more "compartmentalized" than might otherwise be the case. Each chapter presented here was in its original form, a separate letter designed to stand alone as a report on but a single facet of what is obviously a very big subject. As a consequence, occasionally the text may lack easy transition from one subject to another. This bulletin is not intended to serve as a complete reference on milk marketing, nor is it in any way to be considered total coverage of what is obviously a highly· complex, very broad subject. Rather it's intended as an easy-to-read introduction to the subject. Since the original material was prepared for New York dairymen, some of the content as well as many of the examples employed may prove specific to New York conditions. However, we believe that much of the material should prove relevant to milk marketing in other areas. In the rapidly changing world in which we live, almost the only thing which remains constant is change itself. In milk marketing, we accept this as axiomatic. Changes in our economy, in technology, in our social or cultural attitudes, in public policy, are quickly translated into changes in our milk marketing system. So the reader should be aware that while the content of this publication was entirely appropriate at publication time, passing times could outdate in part its accuracy or relevance.