Orbital meningioma in a 12 year old Boston Terrier
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Athena, a 12 year old female spayed Boston terrier, presented to the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine in February of 2009 for cataract surgery evaluation. She had a 6 month history of decreased vision and was previously diagnosed with cataracts in both eyes. Ophthalmic evaluation of the right eye revealed absent menace response and direct pupillary light reflex, mildly hyperemic conjunctiva, exophthalmia with lateral strabismus, and decreased retropulsion. A neurology consultation revealed pain on palpation of the right temporo-mandibular joint and cervical spine. A right head tilt and body turn were noted, indicating possible forebrain involvement. MRI of the orbit and brain revealed an intra-orbital mass with no obvious extension into the calvarium. Fine-needle aspiration of the mass was interpreted as a potential meningioma. A cerebrospinal fluid tap and thoracic radiographs were normal. Athena was anesthetized and an exenteration surgery was performed on her right eye. A dark, friable mass was noted around the optic nerve. Histopathological analysis of the removed tissues was consistent with canine orbital meningioma causing compression of the optic nerve. There was no sign of recurrence of the meningioma 1 month following surgery.
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Seminar SF610.1 2010