Engineering: Cornell Quarterly, Vol.17, No.2 (Autumn 1982): Productivity and Engineering
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IN THIS ISSUE: Productivity and Engineering /2 (What must be done to achieve much needed increases in United States manufacturing productivity is discussed by Andrew Schultz, Jr., a Cornell operations research specialist.) ... Toward Revitalized U.S. Industry /10 (Cornell's new program in manufacturing engineering and productivity is outlined.) ... Automated Factories: A Necessity for U.S. Industry /19 (Two members of Cornell's School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, William L. Maxwell and John A. Muckstadt, describe the organization of industrial workplaces of the future.) ... Solving Manufacturing Problems Through Simulation /24 (The usefulness of computer modeling in industrial engineering is explained by Cornell's Lee Schruben, an operations research specialist.) ... Register /30 ... Facets /35 (A new department of the Quarterly featuring avocations and outside interests of people at the College is initiated with a feature on philatelist Julian C. Smith.) ... Vantage /38 (Construction begins on a new geological sciences building.) ... Faculty Publications /40 ... Letters /44