Penetrating abdominal bite wounds in a Toy Poodle
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An eight year-old female spayed Toy poodle presented to the Cornell University Hospital for Animals Emergency service for trauma caused by bite wounds incurred by the neighbor's German Shepherd dog. Following the attack the dog was taken immediately to the referring veterinarian, where evaluation revealed a penetrating wound on the left body wall with evisceration of a segment of jejunum. Radiographs showed severe subcutaneous emphysema but no evidence of thoracic involvement. Supportive care was administered, the prolapsed intestine was lavaged and replaced within the abdomen, a sterile bandage was placed, and the patient was referred to Cornell. At presentation to Cornell, physical exam revealed four abdominal wounds, one of which contained prolapsing omentum. Problems included bradycardia, hypertension, tachypnea, mental dullness, and penetrating abdominal wounds. This report will explain the findings at surgery and the patient's remarkable recovery. Risk factors and prognosis for bite wound trauma will also be discussed.
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Seminar SF610.1 2011