Hans A. Bethe: Celebrating "An Exemplary Life" (Complete DVD Contents)
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The Complete contents of the DVD: "Hans A. Bethe: Celebrating "An Exemplary Life" are presented here as a streaming format and as mobile device video downloads. Speakers included Hunter R. Rawlings III, President, Cornell University; Silvan S. Schweber, Professor Emeritus, Brandeis University, Physicist, historian and Bethe biographer; Richard L. Garwin, IBM Fellow Emeritus, Physicist, Bethe arms control collaborator; Kurt Gottfried, Professor Emeritus, Cornell University, Physicist, Bethe arms control collaborator; Dale R Corson, President Emeritus, Cornell University, Physicist, Bethe colleague; Edwin E. Salpeter, Professor Emeritus, Cornell University, Astrophysicist, Bethe scientific collaborator; Freeman J. Dyson, Professor Emeritus, Institute for Advanced Study, Physicist and writer, Bethe colleague; Henry Bethe, son; Rose Bethe, spouse; Saul A. Teukolsky, Physics Department Chair, Cornell University.
Supplementary materials include: a) The Cornell Chronicle Special Supplement of September 15, 2005 and a September 22, 2005 Chronicle article. b) A formal collection of photographs assembled by The Rare and Manuscript Collection and c) an informal collection of photographs of the memorial events on September 18, 2005 by physicists John Negele and Michael Nauenberg. These photo collections are presented as videos and as PDFs.
Also included are the articles published in the October 2005 special issue of Physics Today with guest editor Kurt Gottfried. These describe Bethe’s early years, his personal attributes and many of Nobel Laureate Bethe's seminal contributions to physics and astrophysics: Silvan S. Schweber, "The Happy Thirties"; John N. Bachall and Edwin Salpeter, "Stellar Energy Generation and Solar Neutrinos"; Freeman Dyson, "Hans Bethe and Quantum Electrodynamics"; Richard Garwin and Kurt Gottfried, "Hans in War and Peace"; John W. Negele, "Hans Bethe and the Theory of Nuclear Matter"; Gerald E. Brown, "Hans Bethe and Astrophysical Theory".