CVM eNews, August 2019
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Contents of this eNews issue include: Message from the Dean (Lorin D. Warnick); Latest News: Dr. Krysten Schuler warns federal government committee of dangers of chronic wasting disease, Deadly protein partnership reveals new drug target for viral diseases, Construction projects earn LEED gold, silver honors; August trivia: The first building at Cornell dedicated entirely to veterinary medicine opened its doors in 1896. What was the scholastic requirement for students entering the veterinary program at that time?; Community Notes: Hoof it for the Horses 5K race, 2020 SAVMA symposium, Hellos goodbyes and HR update; Awards and honors (Cynthia Leifer), MPH program welcomes 5 new faculty and staff, Staff service award; CVM in the News: USA Today, Climate change could threaten dogs with diseases pushing into new parts of the USA, CNY Central, Cornell University's renowned veterinary program.