2014 Baker Institute News: Alex Travis delivers talk, publishes blog post on One Health
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This news item is about: Dr. Alex Travis, VMD, Ph.D. has been talking about One Health principles this month in a lecture at a veterinary symposium and in a blog post at a popular public policy-oriented website. Travis is Faculty Director for the Environment at Cornell's Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future and the Director of the Cornell Center for Wildlife Conservation. Earlier this month, Travis delivered the plenary address on sustainability to a crowded auditorium at the Merial-NIH Veterinary Scholars Symposium at Cornell. His lecture, Expanding the One Health paradigm: a central role for veterinarians in sustaining life on earth, outlines the importance of One Health principles in addressing the most pressing environmental issues of our day and the roles veterinarians have to play in solving problems that bridge health and the environment. A video of the lecture has been posted on Cornell Cast.