Networked Resources Redefinition Implementation Group: Final Report
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In February 2001, a CUL committee called the Working Group on Networked Resource Access Before the ENCompass Era was formed to develop a proposal specifying how CUL should provide for the effective discovery of and access to Networked Resources over the next 20 months, i.e., until Endeavor's ENCompass product becomes available. The recommendations, which were approved by LMT in April of 2001, consisted of redefining the Networked Resources (NR) catalog to give more prominence to resources of significant reference or research value by excluding certain genres of material, most notably e-journals and e-books, from the public view of NR. In May 2001, the Networked Resources Redefinition Implementation Group (NRRIG) was formed to implement these recommendations. The committee consisted of David Block, Nan Hyland (chair), Marty Kurth, Holly Mistlebauer and Maureen Morris. NRRIG has completed its work. The newly named e-Reference Collection was implemented on Wednesday August 8, 2001. This report details the work done to accomplish the implementation.