

A Chilling Revelation: Investigating the Impact of Cooling Sleeves

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This paper investigates the combined effects of arm sleeves and water application as cooling strategies for marathon runners to regulate body temperature during races. The research addresses the hypothesis that a wet arm sleeve will be up to twice as effective at cooling a runner as the effects of natural sweating alone. In addition, the sleeve will decrease the temperature of the veins and increase the penetration depth of the cooler temperature muscles compared to a bare arm. Despite the common use of both running sleeves and water pouring in the running community, a comprehensive exploration of their combined impact on body temperature is absent from current research.

Using a computational model of the cooling process, the study compares the heat flux through the arm in two distinct scenarios: a bare arm and a wet arm sleeve. The investigation seeks to explore the combined effects of these cooling methods, aiming to enhance understanding of optimal cooling strategies for marathon runners and contribute to advancements in running sleeve design and application for improved comfort and performance.

The research employs a bioheat transfer equation to model heat transfer within the arm, considering factors such as conduction, convection, and metabolic heat generation. Additionally, the temperature profile inside major blood vessels of the arm is modeled to understand the impact of cooling strategies on blood temperature. Results indicate that the combination of a wet arm sleeve and water application results in a greater cooling effect compared to a bare arm. Temperature distribution graphs along the arm and contour slices of the arm’s cross-section demonstrate the effectiveness of the cooling sleeve in reducing arm temperature and potentially lowering core body temperature during exercise.

Future steps include developing the geometry of our model further so that it incorporates more accurate layers of the arm, including but not limited to skin layers and fat. Additionally, we would like to incorporate evaporative cooling of porous media in the cooling sleeve. These steps will further refine our model and ensure robustness in capturing parameter variability affecting the cooling effect. This research provides valuable insights into optimizing cooling strategies for marathon runners, potentially enhancing performance and reducing the risk of overheating during races.

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Skin; Temperature; Arm; Blood Flow; Heat Transfer


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