

Assessing stakeholder perceptions and facilitating collaboration in the Pocantico River Watershed

dc.contributor.authorFinewood, Michael
dc.contributor.authorRubbo, Michael
dc.descriptionThis report was prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the NYS Environmental Protection Funden_US
dc.description.abstractWatershed-based education, collaboration, and planning are critical for healthy socio-ecological communities (Spirn 2005). Pace University’s Dyson College Institute for Sustainability and the Environment (DCISE) endeavors to be a resource for, and partner with, stakeholders in the Hudson Valley who are working towards resilient and sustainable watersheds. In this capacity, our proposed project seeks to advance watershed-based collaborations with stakeholder groups, municipalities, and other institutions by researching and communicating environmental priorities, challenges, and assets, as well as the willingness to act on environmental issues in the Pocantico River Watershed. To achieve this goal our project team will meet three objectives: 1) we will develop and implement a municipal survey that assesses priorities, challenges, assets, and political will, to be administered to participants in the Pocantico River Watershed; 2) working with the Pocantico River Watershed Alliance (PRWA), we will develop a public website that serves as a home for survey data in the watershed; and 3) we will work with the PRWA to coordinate four community meetings, where we will present research results, website development, and facilitate collaboration. The project will be coordinated by Co-PI’s Michael Finewood, PhD, and Michael Rubbo, PhD, (Pace University) and two students (undergraduate and/or graduate). The project will be building on a current interview-based research project conducted by Michael Finewood and four Pace students regarding environmental decision-making in the Bronx River Watershed. Funding will support student salaries. Pace University will also support participation at the annual Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) conference (June 2019) to present project outcomes. In addition, we will collaborate with the Sarah Lawrence College Center for the Urban River at Beczak (CURB) to implement the municipal survey in an effort to better understand municipal willingness to adopt tools and strategies to conserve water resources. Collaboration between CURB and their partners, the PRWA, and Pace University will expand the scope and results of our research across sub-watersheds within the Hudson Valley, supporting future research projects, collaborations, and planning decisions.en_US
dc.publisherNew York State Water Resources Instituteen_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International*
dc.subjectPace Universityen_US
dc.subjectHudson Riveren_US
dc.subjectLower Hudsonen_US
dc.subjectSocial & Economic Researchen_US
dc.titleAssessing stakeholder perceptions and facilitating collaboration in the Pocantico River Watersheden_US


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