Connecting with Cornell volume 22, issue 1-2 (2009)
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In this Issue: Research in Progress - 11 of Cornell' s young faculty talk with the editor about their research, exploring a broad range of topics and explaining how they got hooked on their fields; "Any Person ... Any Study" and the Lure of Research - Cornell provides many opportunities for undergraduate students to experience a variety of fields and perspectives, truly fulfilling Ezra Cornell’s famous goal of "any person ... any study"; Undergraduate Researchers Pick Applied and Engineering Physics - Kenneth Ferguson '11 and Nitin Malik '11 are two undergraduate researchers in the Department of Applied and Engineering Physics doing interesting work in the laboratories on campus; Why Cornell? - 11 young Cornell faculty reveal why they chose Cornell and would recommend it to other young innovators in their fields; Amplifying Science - Over the past decade, the Cornell Center for Materials Research (CCMR) has brought Cornell scientists and K-12 teachers together to improve science education; Salt Matters - SaltCheck Inc., an Allied Minds company that is based on Cornell research, is working to develop and commercialize an on-the-spot test to monitor salt excretion that closely mirrors salt intake for hypertension patients; Power in the Peel - When nearly 1,000 U.S. Olympic athletes and coaches settled in for the long flight to Beijing to compete in the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, each of them was provided with a supply of a new type of "functional food" called AppleBoost(TM) energy snack tubes; The Essence of Cornell - When we talk about Cornell, we can describe the institution in many ways. Cornell has a beautiful campus; it is diverse; it is Ivy League; it is an American university with a global scope; it is cutting-edge.