Diskospondylitis in two first calf heifers
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Diskospondylitis is an inflammatory condition of the intervertebral disk adjacent vertebral end plates and bone of the vertebral body (Moore 1992). Bacteremia is often implicated as the inciting cause of infection, but is seldom established as the etiology (Turnwald et al. 1986). Swelling, inflammation and bone deformities seen with diskospondylitis can cause compression on the spinal cord. The nidus of infection may arise from hematogenous spread, retrograde spread through the venous plexus, or directly from migrating foreign bodies, penetrating injury or previous surgery (Crock et al. 1973). A few examples of septicemia and hematogenous access include bacterial endocarditis, mastitis, foot abscess, pneumonia and genitourinary procedures or infection. Diskospondylitis has been well described in dogs, cats and horses, however, little information has been reported in the bovine species. This report describes the clinical signs, diagnosis and post mortem examination of two cases of diskospondylitis in Holstein dairy heifers from the same herd.
Journal / Series
Seminar SF610.1 2003 B76