Marie Caudill
Associate Professor

Web Bio Page

Current Activities

Current Professional Activities
Choline Coalition Advisory member 2008-present
The choline coalition is an organization whose mission is to encourage and promote the translation of quality choline research to practice in an effort to improve public health.

Invited international expert on “Micronutrient bioavailability: priorities and challenges for setting dietary reference values" organized jointly by the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) Europe Addition of Nutrients Task Force and EURECCA Network of Excellence. June 2009

Current Research Activities
At present, the Caudill lab is using a systems approach to investigate the differential effects of two doses of choline intake on metabolic, genomic and physiological endpoints in pregnant and lactating women, subpopulations that may have a high demand for this nutrient. Data generated from this study will provide metabolic and genomic signatures that can be used in determining nutrient intake levels that optimize maternal and infant health outcomes. The generated data can also scientifically guide the need for therapeutic intervention with choline in this sub-population.

Current Extension Activities
Economic Impact on the Local Community:
This year my reseach program has had a direct economic impact on the local community of at least $130,000 ($80,000 for study participant payments and ~$50,000 for local grocery purchases).

Recruiting Efforts:
We have also engaged in extensive recruiting activities and worked with the following agencies/businesses to inform the local community of the opportunities for participation in our research program: Tompkins County Health Department; Cayuga Medical Center; Ithaca Free Clinic - clinic for uninsured members of the community; WIC Program - provides food and care for pregnant women, infants and children; Medicaid Obstetrical and Maternal Services (MOMS) Program - medical care during and after pregnacy; Douglas of Ithaca - women pregnacy support group; Ithaca Birth Group - support group on topics related to pregnancy; Cornell Cooperative Extension; Tops; Greenstar; OB-GYN Associates of Ithaca; Ithaca VA Outpatient Clinic; Cornell Prenatal Yoga Class; Westview Apartments; Alphabet Soup; Buttermilk Falls Pediatrics; Ithaca Bakery; Women's Community Bldg


Biographical Statement
Marie Caudill received her PhD degree in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Florida in 1997. Shortly thereafter she became an Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Nutrition and Food Science at Cal Poly Pomona University in Southern California where she served for 10 years. Marie joined the faculty at Cornell University as an associate professor of Nutritional Sciences and Genomics in August 2007.

The Caudill laboratory investigates the effects of varied nutrient intakes (e.g. folate and choline) and genetic variation on metabolic, genomic and physiological endpoints in human study participants.  A systems approach incorporating both targeted and non-targeted analyses on a range of metabolites with known links to disease development and on readouts of global gene expression and stability is used. Stable isotopes (i.e., d9-choline) are also used to aid in the interpretation of the biomarker data. Results of these studies will scientifically inform the development of dietary recommendations designed to optimize human health and guide decisions on need for therapeutic nutritional interventions.

Teaching interests include nutrient metabolism, nutrition and disease, and nutritional genomics.


Nutrition, B-vitamins, Choline, Nutritional Genomics, Epigenetics, Optimizing Health through Nutrition, Personalized Nutrition, folate, folic acid, phosphatidylcholine, Human Nutrition, Health

Courses, Websites, Pubs

Courses Taught
NS6310 - Micronutrients: Function, Homeostasis and Assessment
Professor Caudill participates in this team taught course managed by Charles McCormick.   Specifically, she delivers lectures on the B-vitamins (folate, vitamin B-12, vitamin B-6, biotin) and choline.

NS 4410  - Nutrition and Disease
This course combines the principles of nutrition, biochemistry, physiology, genetics, pharmacology, and pathology to understand disease risk, prevention, progression and management. The course is organized in a lecture format with opportunities for the class to engage in the discussion of original research articles on topics of high current interest in the area of nutrition and health.

Related Websites

Selected Publications
2010    Caudill MA, daCosta K-A, Zeisel SH, Betsy Hornick "Choline Call to Action: Elevating Awareness and Intake of an Essential Nutrient for Public Health" (submitted)

2010     Shin W, Yan J, Abratte CF, Vermeylen F, and Caudill MA. Choline intakes at amounts exceeding current dietary recommendations beneficially influence markers of cellular methylation in a genetic sub-group of folate deplete men. (submitted).

2010    Chan J, Deng L, Pickell L, Wu Q, Yan J, Caudill MA, Rozen R. Low dietary choline and low dietary riboflavin during pregnancy influence reproductive outcomes and heart development in mice. Am J Clin Nutr. In Press.

2010     Caudill MA. Pre- and Postnatal Health: Evidence of an Increased Choline Requirement. J Am Diet Assc. In Revision

2010     Caudill MA. Folate bioavailability: Implications for establishing dietary recommendations and optimizing status. Am J Clin Nutr Suppl. In Revision.

2010      Fox JT, Shin WK, Caudill MA, and Stover PJ. A UV-Responsive Internal Ribosome Entry Site Enhances Cytoplasmic Serine Hydroxymethyltransferase Expression for DNA Damage Repair. J. Biol. Chem.  J. Biol. Chem. 2009;284:31097-31108.

2009     Caudill MA, Dellschaft N, Solis C, Hinkis S, Ivanov AA, Nash-Barboza S, Randall KE, Jackson B, Solomita GN, Vermeylen F. Choline intake, plasma riboflavin and the PEMT G5465A genotype predict plasma homocysteine in folate deplete Mexican American men with the MTHFR 677TT genotype. J Nutr. 139:727-733

2009     Ivanov A, Nash-Barboza S, Hinkis S, Caudill MA. Genetic variants in phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PEMT) and methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (MTHFD1) influence biomarkers of choline metabolism when folate intake is restricted. J Amer Diet Assoc. 109:313-318.

2009     Abratte CM, Wang W, Li R, Axume J, Moriarty DJ, Caudill MA. Choline status is not a reliable indicator of moderate changes in dietary choline consumption in pre-menopausal women. J Nutr Biochem. 20:62-69.

2008     Veenema K, Solis C, Li R, Wang W, Maletz CV, Abratte C, Caudill MA. Choline intakes at AI levels are sufficient in preventing liver dysfunction in Mexican American men but are not optimal in minimizing plasma total homocysteine increases after a methionine load. Am J Clin Nutr. 88:685-92.

2008     Stover PJ, Caudill MA. Genetic and Epigenetic Contributions to Human Nutrition and Health: Managing Genome-Diet Interactions. J Am Diet Assoc. 108:1480-7.

2008     Hung J, Abratte CM, Wang W, Li R, Moriarty KJ, Caudill MA. Ethnicity and folate intake influence choline status in young women consuming controlled nutrient intakes. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 27:253-259.

2008     Solis C, Veenema K, Ivanov AA, Tran S, Wang W, Moriarty DJ, Maletz CV, Caudill MA. Folate intake at RDA levels is inadequate for Mexican American men with the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase 677TT genotype. J Nutr. 138:1-6.

2007     Vakili S, Caudill MA. Personalized Nutrition: Nutritional genomics as a potential tool for targeted medical nutrition therapy. Nutrition Reviews. 65: 301-315.

2007     Axume J, Smith SS, Pogribny IP, Moriarty DJ, Caudill MA. Global leukocyte DNA methylation is similar in African American and Caucasian women under conditions of controlled folate intake. Epigenetics. 2:66-68.

2007     Axume J, Smith SS, Pogribny IP, Moriarty DJ, Caudill MA. The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase MTHFR 677 TT genotype and folate interact to lower global leukocyte DNA methylation in young Mexican American women. Nutrition Research. 27:13-17.

2006     Hung J, Yang TL, Urrutia TF, Li R, Perry CA, Hata H, Cogger EA, Moriarty DJ, Caudill MA. Additional food folate derived exclusively from natural sources improves folate status in young women with the MTHFR 677 CC or TT genotype. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 17: 728-734.

2005     Beagle B, Yang TL, Hung J, Cogger EA, Moriarty DJ, Caudill MA. The glycine N-methyltransferase (GNMT) 1289 C?T variant influences plasma total homocysteine concentrations in young women after restricting folate intake. Journal of Nutrition. 135:2780-2785.

2005     Yang TL, Hung J, Caudill MA, Urrutia TF, Alamilla A, Perry CA, Li R, Hata H, Cogger EA. A long-term controlled folate feeding study in young women supports the validity of the 1.7 multiplier in the dietary folate equivalency equation. J Nutr 135: 1139-1145.

2005     McCabe DC, Caudill MA. DNA methylation, genomic silencing, and links to nutrition and cancer. Nutrition Reviews. 63:183-195.

2004     Perry C., Renna S., Khitun E., Ortiz, M., Moriarty D. and Caudill MA. Ethnicity and race influences folate status response to controlled folate intakes in non- pregnant young women. Journal of Nutrition. 134:1786-1792.

2004     Caudill MA. The role of folate in reducing chronic and developmental disease risk: an overview. Journal of Food Science. 69:SNQ55-67.

2003     Guinotte C, Axume J, Hata Hiroko, Urrutia T, Burns M, Alamilla A, McCabe D, Singgih A, Cogger EA and Caudill MA. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T variant modulates folate status response to controlled folate intakes in young women. Journal of Nutrition. 133:1272-1280.

2003     Torabian Esfahani S, Cogger EA and Caudill MA. Heterogeneity in MTHFR C677T and A1298C genotypes among women differing in ethnicity. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 103:200-207.

2001     Caudill MA, Wang J, Melnyk IP, Pogribny IP, Jernigan S, Collins MD, Santos-Guzman J, Swendseid ME, Cogger EA and James SJ. Intracellular S-adenosylhomocysteine concentrations predict global DNA hypomethylation in tissues of methyl-deficient cystathionine beta-synthase heterozygous mice. Journal of Nutrition. 131:2811-2818.

2001     Gregory JF, Caudill MA, FJ Opalko and Bailey LB. Kinetics of folate turnover in pregnant women (second trimester) and nonpregnant controls during folic acid supplementation: stable-isotopic labeling of plasma folate, urinary folate and folate catabolites shows subtle effects of pregnancy on turnover of folate pools. Journal of Nutrition. 131:1928-1937.

2001     Caudill MA, Le T, Moonie S, Torabian S and Cogger EA. Folate status in women of childbearing age residing in Southern California after folic acid fortification. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 20:129-134.

2000     Caudill MA. Current and emerging issues in folate nutriture. Nutrition Today 35:1-8

1998     Caudill MA, Gregory JF III, Hutson AD and Bailey LB. Folate catabolism in pregnant women consuming controlled folate intakes. Journal of Nutrition. 128: 204-208.

1998     Bonnette RE, Caudill MA, Boddie AM, Hutson AD, Kauwell GP and Bailey LB. Plasma homocysteine in pregnant and nonpregnant women fed a folate controlled diet. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 92:167-170.

1997     Caudill MA, Cruz AC, Gregory JF III, Hutson AD and Bailey LB. Folate Status Response to controlled folate intake in pregnant women. Journal of Nutrition. 127: 2363-2370