Address replies to JOHN BOGART, Sec'y. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, 127 EAST TWENTY-THIRD ST., NEW YORK. 'Theodore Cooper, Esq., M. Am. Soc. C.E, Dear Sir:-- I send you herewith the following originals of illustrations of your paper on American Railroad Bridges: Schuylkill Permanent Bridge; Mohawk Bridge; Town Lattice Truss; Highway Bridge at Easton, Pa.; Bollman Suspension Bridge; 400 ft. span of Ohio Riv. Bridge at Louisville; Blue River Bridge; Monongahela River Bridge; Green River Bridge; Bridges of the B.& 0. and N.W. Va. R.R.; Wnipple Trapezoidal Truss; Highway Bridge over Hudson River; Howe Truss Bridge; Trenton Bridge; Bridge over Delaware at New Hope; Patent bridge "Colossus"; Towne Lattice Truss; Towne Lattice Truss, No. 2. Very July 29th, 1889