This readme.txt file was generated on 2022-12-02 by Nicole Pranic The files included in this dataset include the data required to reproduce the analyses included in Pranic et al., ÒRates of ultrasonic vocalizations are more strongly related than acoustic features to non-vocal behaviors in mouse pups.Ó doi: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Data from: Rates of ultrasonic vocalizations are more strongly related than acoustic features to non-vocal behaviors in mouse pups 2. Author Information A. Corresponding Author Contact Information Name: Katherine Tschida Institution: Cornell University ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8171-1722 Email: 3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): 2020-2021 4. Geographic location of data collection: Ithaca, NY, United States of America SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Data are available under a CC0 waiver. 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Pranic et al., ÒRates of ultrasonic vocalizations are more strongly related than acoustic features to non-vocal behaviors in mouse pups.Ó doi: DATA & FILE OVERVIEW 1. Data overview: This dataset has ten types of data, compressed into 12 zipped files: (1) Audio files (.wav) recorded of mice in isolation, used for analyses in Figures 1, 3, 4, and 5 and supplemental figures S1-S8 of Pranic et al. In Pranic_Audio_[Date].zip bundled by date collected: (2) Video files (.mp4) of those same isolation sessions, analyzed in Figures 2-5 and Figures S4-S6 of Pranic et al. In (3) Matlab scripts (.mat) used for analyzing acoustic data in Pranic et al. In (4) Excel files (.xlsx) containing the summary data used to create Figures 1-5 and S1, (5) CSV files (.csv) containing the summary data used to create Figures 1-5 and S1, (6) A CSV file (.csv) containing onset, offset, acoustic feature, non-vocal behavior, filename, and age information for all syllables included in the dataset. (4), (5), and (6) in (7) Excel files (.xlsx) containing the raw data for non-vocal behavior scoring. In (8) Archived version of the Excel files containing the raw data for non-vocal behavior scoring. Excel files were converted into comma-separated (csv) files, cell formulas in txt files, and embedded charts and figures and formatting/styling information in HTML snapshots. In (9) A PTH (.pth) file containing the final trained instance segmentation model used in Annolid. (10) A compressed folder (.zip) containing the dataset used to train the Annolid model. METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: See preprint at doi: for methodological description. 2. Methods for processing the data: See preprint at doi: for data processing description. 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: Audio files: Requires software that can open/access .wav files. Because ultrasonic vocalizations are not audible to humans, we recommend using Raven (Cornell Lab of Ornithology), Matlab (Mathworks), Avisoft-SASLab Pro (Avisoft), or similar to visualize and analyze our .wav files. Video files: Requires software that can open .mp4 files (such as Windows Media Player (Microsoft) or Quicktime (Apple)) Matlab files: Matlab (Mathworks) Excel files: Excel (Microsoft) CSV files: Excel (Microsoft) or Numbers (Apple) DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION: Audio, video, and non-vocal behavior scoring files are named as follows: Date_CageID_condition_mouseID_Session_Age Conditions are as follows: dam refers to animals that were exposed to their mother for five minutes between isolation and re-isolation sessions, sf refers to animals that were exposed to a novel adult female mouse for five minutes between isolation and re-isolation sessions, control refers to animals that were not exposed to a social partner (mother or novel adult female mouse) between isolation and re-isolation sessions Due to the nature of the recordings, the audio (.wav; mouse vocalization, no spoken language) and video (files (.mp4, sessions of isolated mice) in this dataset do not contain transcripts. The video files (.mp4, sessions of isolated mice) are recorded from a perspective above the mouse, allowing the viewer to see the mouse's movements over the duration of the video.