This readme file was generated on 2023-05-29 by Kristie LeBeau GENERAL INFORMATION Title of Dataset: Data from: A Guide to the American Community Survey (ACS) for the Rural Researcher: Unpacking the Conceptual and Technical Aspects of Using Secondary Data for Rural Research. Author/Principal Investigator Information Name: Kristie LeBeau ORCID:0000-0002-8646-3107 Institution: Cornell University Email: Date of data collection: Initial collection - 2020; Updates made - 2022 SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION These data were derived from the following resources available in the public domain: • U.S. Census Bureau. (2020). 2014-2018 American Community Survey 5-year Estimates: Tables - B01003; S0101; DP03; S1501; DP04; B02001, Geographic Unit - All Places in Indiana [Excel Data file]. Retrieved from • IPUMS NHGIS. (2022). 2014-2018 American Community Survey 5-year Estimate Data Profiles: Table ds239 Geographic Unit - All Places in Indiana [Excel Data file]. Retrieved from • NCES ElSi. (2020). Common Core of Data (CCD), "Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey", 2017-2018: Reference Table ID: 647286 [Excel Data file] Retrieved from • US Census Bureau. (2020). Tiger/Line Shapefiles, 2018 Indiana Places: [Zip Shapefile]. Retrieved from Recommended citation for this dataset: Kristie LeBeau. (2023) Data from: A Guide to the American Community Survey (ACS) for the Rural Researcher: Unpacking the Conceptual and Technical Aspects of Using Secondary Data for Rural Research. [dataset] Cornell University eCommons Repository. DATA & FILE OVERVIEW File List: - 2018 ElSi Basic Info - Contains administrative data for public school buildings across Indiana - Age2018 - Contains ACS estimates and margins of error for percentages of the population within specificed age groups at the Census Place level - ArcMap Excel Export - Contains merged Census Place and school building data - Economic2018 - Contains ACS estimates and margins of error for economic variables at the Census Place level (ie. per capita income in dollars, percent management workers, percent poverty, etc.) - EdAttainment2018 - Contains ACS estimates and margins of error for education attainment via percentages of high school graduates and bachelor's degrees at the Census Place level - Hispanic_2018 - Contains ACS (via NHGIS) estimates and margins of error for total count of Hispanic or Latino population and Not Hispanic or Latino population at the Census Place level - HouseValue2018 - Contains ACS estimate and margin of error for housing value at the Census Place level - Non Hispanic White 2018 - Contains ACS (via NHGIS) estimates and margins of error for total count of Non Hispanic White population at the Census Place level - Pop18MOE - Contains ACS margin of error for total population count at the Census Place level - Pop2018 - Contains ACS estimate of the total population count at the Census Place level - Race2018 - Contains ACS estimates and margins of error for total count of the Census race categories at the Census Place Level Relationship between files: All data is merged via GeoID or Geo_ID* *GeoID is a 7 digit identifier beginning in 18. In some cases, GeoID begins with 16000US. In these cases, split the variable by the S and merge via the last 7 digits beginning in 18. METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION Software Packages Utilized: Stata & ArcMap DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION Variables that need renamed: rename AJWWE001 TtlPop rename AJWWE002 NonHisp18 rename AJWWE003 Hisp18 rename AJWWM001 TtlPopMOE rename AJWWM002 NonHisp18MOE rename AJWWM003 Hisp18MOE rename SchoolName SchNm rename StateNamePublicSchoolLates StNm rename SchoolIDNCESAssignedPubli SchNCES rename AgencyIDNCESAssignedPubli AgNCES rename CountyNamePublicSchool2017 CtyNm rename CountyNumberPublicSchool20 CtyNum rename AgencyTypeDistrict201718 AgType18 rename LocalePublicSchool201718 Loc18 rename LatitudePublicSchool201718 Lat18 rename LongitudePublicSchool20171 Long18 rename StateSchoolIDPublicSchool SchID18 rename StateAgencyIDPublicSchool AgID18 Variable descriptions available upon request