This Hestrin_etal_AmmoniaVolatilization_JEQ_2020_readme.txt file was generated on 2020.07.01 by Rachel Hestrin ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: Data from: Ammonia volatilization from composting with oxidized biochar 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Rachel Hestrin Institution: Cornell University Address: Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Johannes Lehmann Institution: Cornell University Address: 915 Bradfield Hall; Ithaca, NY, 14853 Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Akio Enders Institution: Cornell University Address: Email: 3. Date of data collection: 2012.01.18 - 2017.12.05 4. Geographic location of data collection: Ithaca, NY 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This work was supported in part by Cornell University's David R. Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future's Impact for Innovation Fund, the Towards Sustainability Foundation, the McKnight Foundation, the NSF IGERT Program (DGE-0903371 and DGE-1069193), NSF BREAD Program (IOS- 0965336 and OPP51589), USDA-Hatch and the NSF GRFP (DGE-1144153). Special thanks to Kelly Hanley, the Cornell Statistical Consulting Unit, and the Cornell Stable Isotope Laboratory for help with analyses. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC-BY 2. Recommended citation for the data: Hestrin, R., Enders, A., Lehmann, J. 2020. Data from: Ammonia volatilization from composting with oxidized biochar. Cornell University eCommons Repository. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: Hestrin_etal_AmmoniaVolatilization_Daily_CN_emissions Short description: Daily NH3-N and CO2-C emissions measured from compost and co-composted compost-biochar mixtures. Used in Figs 1a, 1c, & 2a and Supplementary Fig. 4. B. Filename: Hestrin_etal_AmmoniaVolatilization_Cumulative_CN_emissions Short description: Cumulative NH3-N and CO2-C emissions measured from compost and co-composted compost-biochar mixtures. Used in Figs 1b, 1d, & 2b. C. Filename: Hestrin_etal_AmmoniaVolatilization_Compost_CN_mass_pH Short description: Compost C and N content, mass, and pH measured at the beginning and end of each experimental run. Used in Figures: Figs 3, 4, & 5; Supplementary Fig. 3. D. Filename: Hestrin_etal_AmmoniaVolatilization_Biochar_CN Short description: Biochar C and N content measured at the beginning and end of each experimental run. Used in Fig. 6. -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: See methods section of associated manuscript: Hestrin, R., Enders, A., Lehmann, J. 2020. Ammonia volatilization from composting with oxidized biochar. Journal of Environmental Quality. [[insert volume and page numbers]] ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Hestrin_etal_AmmoniaVolatilization_Daily_CN_emissions Figures: Figs 1a, 1c, & 2a; Supplementary Fig. 4 ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 22 2. Number of cases/rows: 588 3. Variable List A. Name: treatment Description: Indicates the compost treatment. -- noBC: compost made with poultry litter and straw -- BC: compost made with poultry litter, straw, and unoxidized biochar -- oxBC: compost made with poultry litter, straw, and oxidized biochar B. Name: run Description: Indicates the experimental run (1 or 2) C. Name: replicate Description: Indicates the replicate. Each treatment was replicated twice within each experimental run. D. Name: day Description: Indicates which day the data were collected (1-49). E. Name: intervals_per_day Description: Gas measurements were collected every eight hours. Measurements collected on days 1-48 represent a full 24-hour data collection period. On day 49, data were only collected during the first sampling interval and therefore represent only one-third of the day's gas emissions. F. Name: NH3N_mg_day Description: Quantity of NH3-N emitted (mg per day) G. Name: CO2C_mg_day Description: Quantity of CO2C-C emitted (mg per day) H. Name: initial_C_g Description: Quantity of C in initial compost mixture (g), including poultry litter, straw, and biochar I. Name: initial_C_g_no_biochar Description: Quantity of C in initial compost mixture (g), excluding biochar C J. Name: daily_CO2C_per_initial_C_mg_g Description: Daily mg of CO2-C emitted per g of C in initial compost mixture (including poultry litter, straw, and biochar) K. Name: daily_CO2C_per_initial_C_mg_g_no_biochar Description: Daily mg of CO2-C emitted per g of C in initial compost mixture, excluding biochar L. Name: initial_N_g Description: Quantity of N in initial compost mixture (g), including poultry litter, straw, and biochar M. Name: initial_N_g_no_biochar Description: Quantity of N in initial compost mixture (g), excluding biochar N N. Name: daily_NH3N_per_initial_N_mg_g Description: Daily mg of NH3-N emitted per g of N in initial compost mixture (including poultry litter, straw, and biochar) O. Name: daily_NH3N_per_initial_N_mg_g_no_biochar Description: Daily mg of NH3-N emitted per g of N in initial compost mixture, excluding biochar P. Name: initial_dry_mass_g Description: Initial dry mass of compost mixture (g), including poultry litter, straw, and biochar Q. Name: initial_dry_mass_g_no_biochar Description: Initial dry mass of compost mixture (g), excluding biochar R. Name: daily_CO2C_per_dry_mass_mg_g Description: Daily mg of CO2-C emitted per g dry mass compost mixture, including poultry litter, straw, and biochar S. Name: daily_NH3N_per_dry_mass_mg_g Description: Daily mg of NH3-N emitted per g dry mass compost mixture, including poultry litter, straw, and biochar T. Name: daily_CO2C_per_dry_mass_mg_g_no_biochar Description: Daily mg of CO2-C emitted per g dry mass compost mixture, excluding biochar U. Name: daily_NH3N_per_dry_mass_mg_g_no_biochar Description: Daily mg of NH3-N emitted per g dry mass compost mixture, excluding biochar V. Name: daily_NH3N_per_CO2C_mg_mg Description: Daily mg of NH3-N emitted per mg of CO2-C emitted ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Hestrin_etal_AmmoniaVolatilization_Cumulative_CN_emissions Figures: Figs 1b, 1d, & 2b ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 19 2. Number of cases/rows: 1740 3. Variable List A. Name: treatment Description: Indicates the compost treatment. -- noBC: compost made with poultry litter and straw -- BC: compost made with poultry litter, straw, and unoxidized biochar -- oxBC: compost made with poultry litter, straw, and oxidized biochar B. Name: run Description: Indicates the experimental run (1 or 2) C. Name: replicate Description: Indicates the replicate. Each treatment was replicated twice within each experimental run. D. Name: epoch_time Description: Time of gas sample measurement. E. Name: cycle Description: Cycle (1-145) within which sample was measured. There were 3 8-hour measurement cycles each day. F. Name: hour Description: The last hour of the measurement cycle (relative to the beginning of the experimental run). G. Name: initial_mass_g_no_biochar Description: The initial mass (g) of the compost mixture including poultry litter and straw but excluding biochar. H. Name: initial_N_g_no_biochar Description: Quantity of N (g) in initial compost mixture including poultry litter and straw but excluding biochar N. I. Name: initial_C_g_no_biochar Description: Quantity of C (g) in initial compost mixture including poultry litter and straw but excluding biochar C. J. Name: NH3_mg Description: Quantity of NH3 (mg) measured at each sampling timepoint. K. Name: NH3N_mg_cycle Description: Estimated quantity of NH3-N (mg) emitted during each 8-hour cycle. L. Name: NH3N_mg_sum Description: Cumulative NH3-N (mg) emitted from each compost mixture. M. Name: NH3N_g_sum_per_g_initial_N_no_biochar Description: Cumulative NH3-N emitted from each compost mixture, normalized by the average initial N content in the compost mixture including poultry litter and straw but excluding biochar (11.39 g N); see Fig. 1b. Used to calculate relative NH3-N:CO2-C loss in Fig. 2b. N. Name: NH3N_g_sum_per_g_initial_dry_mass_no_biochar Description: Cumulative NH3-N emitted from each compost mixture, normalized by the average initial dry mass of the compost mixture (249.6 g); see Fig. 1b. O. Name: CO2_mg Description: Quantity of CO2 (mg) measured at each sampling timepoint. P. Name: CO2C_mg_cycle Description: Estimated quantity of CO2-C (mg) emitted during each 8-hour cycle. Q. Name: CO2C_mg_sum Description: Cumulative CO2-C (mg) emitted from each compost mixture. R. Name: CO2C_g_sum_per_g_initial_C_no_biochar Description: Cumulative CO2-C emitted from each compost mixture, normalized by the average initial C content in the compost mixture including poultry litter and straw but excluding biochar (88.145 g C); see Fig. 1d. Used to calculate relative NH3-N:CO2-C loss in Fig. 2b. S. Name: CO2C_g_sum_per_g_initial_dry_mass_no_biochar Description: Cumulative CO2-C emitted from each compost mixture, normalized by the average initial dry mass of the compost mixture including poultry litter and straw but excluding biochar (249.60 g); see Fig. 1d. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Hestrin_etal_AmmoniaVolatilization_Compost_CN_mass_pH Figures: Figs 3, 4, & 5; Supplementary Fig. 3 ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 21 2. Number of cases/rows: 12 3. Variable List A. Name: treatment Description: Indicates the compost treatment. -- noBC: compost made with poultry litter and straw -- BC: compost made with poultry litter, straw, and unoxidized biochar -- oxBC: compost made with poultry litter, straw, and oxidized biochar B. Name: run Description: Indicates the experimental run (1 or 2) C. Name: replicate Description: Indicates the replicate. Each treatment was replicated twice within each experimental run D. Name: initial_dry_mass_g Description: Dry mass (g) of compost or biochar-compost mixture at the beginning of the experimental run. E. Name: final_dry_mass_g Description: Dry mass (g) of compost or biochar-compost mixture at the end of the experimental run. F. Name: mass_loss_g Description: Total compost mass loss (g) at the end of each experimental run. G. Name: mass_loss_g_g_no_biochar Description: Compost mass loss per g initial compost materials (including poultry litter and straw but excluding biochar) was calculated by dividing the total compost mass loss (column F: mass_loss_g) by the initial mass of the poultry litter and straw mixture added (249.60 g, see Fig 3a). H. Name: mass_loss_g_g_total_initial_mass Description: Compost mass loss per g total initial compost mixture (including poultry litter, straw, and biochar) was calculated by dividing total compost mass loss (column F: mass_loss_g) by the initial mass of the compost mixture (column D: initial_dry_mass_g, see Fig 3b). I. Name: initial_C_g Description: C content (g) of initial compost or compost-biochar mixture measured by dry combustion. J. Name: final_C_g Description: C content (g) of final compost or compost-biochar mixture measured by dry combustion. K. Name: C_loss_g Description: Total C lost (g) over the course of each experimental run. L. Name: C_loss_mg_g_C_no_biochar Description: C lost (mg) per g initial compost C was calculated by dividing the C lost (column K: C_loss_g) by the initial C content of poultry litter and straw (88.145 g, see Fig 4a) and multiplying by 1,000. M. Name: initial_N_g Description: N content (g) of initial compost or compost-biochar mixture measured by dry combustion. N. Name: final_N_g Description: N content (g) of final compost or compost-biochar mixture measured by dry combustion. O. Name: N_loss_g Description: Total N lost (g) over the course of each experimental run. P. Name: N_loss_mg_g_N_no_biochar Description: N lost (mg) per g initial compost N was calculated by dividing the N lost (column O: N_loss_g) by the initial N content of poultry litter and straw (11.39 g, see Fig 4b) and multiplying by 1,000. Q. Name: NperC_loss_g Description: Compost N loss normalized by C loss (Fig 4c). Calculated by dividing N loss (g) by C loss (g). R. Name: initial_extractable_N_mg Description: Total KCl-extractable N (mg) measured prior to composting. S. Name: final_extractable_N_mg Description: Total KCl-extractable N (mg) measured at the end of the experimental run. Net N mineralized was calculated by subtracting initial extractable N from final extractable N (Fig 5). T. Name: initial_pH Description: Compost pH measured at the beginning of the experimental run (Supp. Fig. 3). U. Name: final_pH Description: Compost pH measured at the end of the experimental run (Supp. Fig. 3). ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Hestrin_etal_AmmoniaVolatilization_Biochar_CN Figures: Fig. 6 ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 9 2. Number of cases/rows: 24 3. Variable List A. Name: treatment Description: Indicates the compost treatment. -- noBC: compost made with poultry litter and straw -- BC: compost made with poultry litter, straw, and unoxidized biochar -- oxBC: compost made with poultry litter, straw, and oxidized biochar B. Name: run Description: Indicates the experimental run (1 or 2) C. Name: replicate Description: Indicates the replicate. Each treatment was replicated twice within each experimental run D. Name: sample_type Description: Indicates whether the biochar or straw sample was collected from the bulk compost mixture or from a protected vial. -- bulk: biochar or straw particles removed from the bulk compost mixture -- vial: biochar or straw particles protected inside a glass vial covered with parafilm and buried inside the compost mixture E. Name: biochar Description: Indicates whether treatment contained biochar (y or n). F. Name: N_percent Description: Percent N measured by dry combustion G. Name: C_percent Description: Percent C measured by dry combustion H. Name: initial_biochar_N_percent Description: Percent N content of biochar prior to composting; values not provided for straw (indicated by "NA"). I. Name: N_retained_mg_g_biochar Description: N retained by biochar after 7 weeks of composting (mg N per g biochar; see Fig. 6). Estimated by calculating the difference between initial biochar N content (based on % N measured in biochar prior to composting; column H "initial_biochar_N_percent") and final biochar N content (based on % N measured in biochar after composting; column F "N_percent"); values not provided for straw (indicated by "NA").