Title: Data from “Developmental temperature predicts the adult response to stressors in a free-living passerine” Authors: Jennifer J. Uehling, jju8@cornell.edu (1,2), Conor C. Taff (1,2), David W. Winkler (1,2,3), and Maren N. Vitousek, mnv6@cornell.edu (1,2) 1. Cornell University Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 215 Tower Rd., Corson Hall, Ithaca, NY, 14853 2. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 159 Sapsucker Woods Rd., Ithaca, NY, 14850 3. Cellular Tracking Technologies, Rio Grande, NJ, 08242 Data licensing: These data are shared unde a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0 Universal: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/). Data are open and free to use but we ask that the original authors be cited. Suggested Dataset Citation: Uehling, Jennifer J., Conor C. Taff, David W. Winkler, and Maren N. Vitousek. 2019. Data from: Developmental temperature predicts the adult response to stressors in a free-living passerine. [Dataset] Cornell University eCommons Repository. https://doi.org/10.7298/s0va-b776 Related publication: Uehling, J. J., C. C. Taff, D. W. Winkler, and M. N. Vitousek. Accepted. Developmental temperature predicts the adult response to stressors in a free-living passerine. Journal of Animal Ecology. Funding: This work was supported by NSF IOS-1457251 to M.N.V.; NSF LTREB DEB-0717021, IOS-0744753, and DEB-1242573 to D.W.W., and NSF GRFP DGE-1650441 to J.J.U. Dataset updates: Uehling_etal_adult_CORT_weather.csv and this readme file were updated on 2019-11-25, by J.J.U. Additional measurements were added (A.Mass.Inc, A.Mass.Prov), and new records were added in the A.Wing and A.Headbill measurements. Filename: Uehling_etal_adult_CORT_weather.csv Description: This dataset contains measurements of adult tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) during their breeding seasons, as well as information about weather conditions during their natal development. Each row contains information about a focal tree swallow adult breeding in one year at sites monitored in Tompkins County, New York, USA. If individual tree swallows bred at these sites in multiple years, each year of their breeding has a separate row. Note regarding missing data: Cells that are left blank or that contain “NA” indicate data that were never collected or are unknown. Column descriptions: Band: Tree swallow’s unique ID code. A.Year: The year the breeding and CORT measurements were taken on the adult bird. A.Unit: The unit (site) at which the adult bird bred in Tompkins County, New York, USA. Assay_type: The type of corticosterone assay performed. There are two possibilities: enzyme-linked immunoassay (EIA) and Radioimmunoassay (RIA) A.Age: The age of the adult (in years) when the measurements were taken. A.Sex: The sex of the adult. A.Mass.Inc: The mass of the adult during incubation, measured in grams. A.Mass.Prov: The mass of the adult during provisioning, measured in grams. A.Wing: The length of the flat wing of the adult, measured in millimeters. A.Headbill: The length of the headbill of the adult, measured in millimeters. When_captured: The stages of the breeding season during which the adult was captured in that year. A.N.Box: The nest box in which the focal adult bred. N.Year: The year in which the focal adult was a nestling. N.Unit. The unit (site) at which the focal adult was a nestling. N.N.Box: The nest box in which the focal adult hatched and was raised as a nestling. N.N.CI.JDate: The date the clutch in which the focal adult was once an egg was initiated. N.N.Complete.JDate: The date the clutch in which the focal adult individual was once an egg was completed. N.N.Hatch.JDate: The date the clutch in which the focal adult individual was once an egg hatched. CORT_Base_Early_Inc: The concentration of corticosterone (measured in ng/mL) in the baseline blood sample taken during the focal adult’s early incubation stage, when it was incubating its own nest. The baseline blood sample is taken immediately after the bird is captured (< 3 minutes after initial disturbance). CORT_Str_Early_Inc: The concentration of corticosterone (measured in ng/mL) in the stress-induced blood sample taken during the focal adult’s early incubation stage, when it was incubating its own nest. The stress-induced sample is taken 30 minutes after the baseline sample to measure how much the bird increases its corticosterone levels in response to a challenge (being captured). CORT_Base_Provision: The concentration of corticosterone (measured in ng/mL) in the baseline blood sample taken during the focal adult’s provisioning stage, when it was provisioning its own nest. The baseline blood sample is taken immediately after the bird is captured (< 3 minutes after initial disturbance). CORT_Str_Provision: The concentration of corticosterone (measured in ng/mL) in the stress-induced blood sample taken during the focal adult’s provisioning stage, when it was provisioning its own nest. The stress-induced sample is taken 30 minutes after the baseline sample to measure how much the bird increases its corticosterone levels in response to a challenge (being captured). Capture_Date_1: The calendar date when the focal adult was captured during early incubation, when it was incubating its own nest. Capture_Date_1_Julian: The Julian date when the focal adult was captured during early incubation, when it was incubating its own nest. Capture_Date_3: The calendar date when the focal adult was captured during provisioning, when it was provisioning its own nest. Capture_Date_3_Julian: The Julian date when the focal adult was captured during provisioning, when it was provisioning its own nest. F.N.Lay.Avg.Temp: The average temperature (in degrees F) when the clutch of which the focal adult was a part (when it was inside of an egg) was laid. F.N.Inc.Avg.Temp: The average temperature (in degrees F) when the clutch of which the focal adult was a part (when it was inside of an egg) was being incubated. F.N.N0to6.Avg.Temp: The average temperature (in degrees F) when the focal adult was a nestling (0 to 6 days after hatching, with 0 being the day of hatching). F.N.N7to18.Avg.Temp: The average temperature (in degrees F) when the focal adult was a nestling (7 to 18 days after hatching, with 0 being the day of hatching). F.Cap1.DayBef.Avg.Temp: The average temperature (in degrees F) the day before the focal adult was captured when it was in the incubation stage of breeding. F.Cap3.DayBef.Avg.Temp: The average temperature (in degrees F) the day before the focal adult was captured when it was in the nestling provisioning stage of breeding. Filename: Uehling_etal_yearly_fledge_success.csv Description: This dataset contains the proportion of nests that fledged any young from the years 2007 through 2015. The data are organized by unit, so each unit has a reported proportion fledged for each year. Units are sites that are monitored as part of the long-term tree swallow monitoring program through the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Cornell University. Column descriptions: N.Year: The calendar year. N.Unit: The unit (site). propys: Proportional year success, or the proportion of nests that fledged any young that year from that unit. Filename: Uehling_etal_first_CI_date_2007-2015.csv Description: This dataset contains the first clutch initiation date each year for tree swallows nesting in monitored nest boxes in Tompkins County, New York from 2007-2015. Column descriptions: Raw.N.Year: The calendar year. Raw.first.CI.Date: The calendar date of first clutch initiation for that calendar year. First.CI.JDate: The Julian date of first clutch initiation for that calendar year. Filename: Uehling_etal_chick_CORT_weather.csv Description: This dataset contains corticosterone measures from individual nestlings in Tompkins County, New York, USA. Additionally, it contains records of temperature conditions during different stages of nestling development. Note regarding missing data: Cells that are left blank or that contain “NA” indicate data that were never collected or are unknown. Column descriptions: cchickid: Nestling unique ID code. N.Year: The calendar year the nestling was sampled. SOCNEST: A unique number identifying the social nest of the nestling (i.e. the nest in which it hatched). GENNEST: A unique number identifying the genetic nest of the nestling (i.e. the nest in which it was laid) UNIT: The unit (site) where the nestling hatched and was raised. BROODBAND: The number of nestlings when the brood was banded on day 12 of the nestling stage. BASELATENCY: The time (in seconds) from initial disturbance to when a blood sample was taken on day 12 of the nestling stage. BASECORT: The concentration of corticosterone (measured in ng/mL) in the baseline blood sample taken from the nestling on day 12 of the nestling stage. The baseline blood sample is taken immediately after the bird is captured (< 3 minutes after initial disturbance). STRESSCORT: The concentration of corticosterone (measured in ng/mL) in the stress-induced blood sample taken from the nestling on day 12 of the nestling stage. The stress-induced sample is taken 30 minutes after the baseline sample to measure how much the bird increases its corticosterone levels in response to a challenge (being captured). HEADBILL: The length of the headbill of the nestling, measured in millimeters. FLATWING: The length of the flat wing of the nestling, measured in millimeters. MASS: The mass of the nestling, measured in grams. FATE: The fate of the nestling. 1 means the nestling fledged, and 2 means the nestling died. N.N.CI.JDate: The Julian date that the clutch in which the nestling hatched was initiated. N.N.Complete.JDate: The Julian date that the clutch in which the nestling hatched was completed. N.N.Hatch.JDate: The Julian date that the nestling hatched. F.N.Lay.Avg.Temp: The average temperature (in degrees F) when the clutch of the nestling was laid. F.N.Inc.Avg.Temp: The average temperature (in degrees F) when the clutch of the nestling was incubated. F.N.N0to6.Avg.Temp: The average temperature (in degrees F) during the nestling’s days 0 through 6 (0 being the day it hatched). F.N.N7to18.Avg.Temp: The average temperature (in degrees F) during the nestling’s days 7 through 18. Filename: Uehling_etal_band_encounters.csv Description: This dataset contains records of all adult tree swallows captured from 2014 through 2017 in Tompkins County, New York, USA. It includes their unique ID codes and their year of capture. Description of columns: cbandnum: The adult tree swallow’s unique ID code. N.Year: The calendar year.