[w/Thomson] Office Commerical Bank Building Works North Exchnage St. Office of Hilton Bridge Construction Company. Engineers and Contractors Wrought Iron Steel Bridges, Roofs, Testles, Turn-Tables, Riveted Girders, Tanks Beams, Pillars, and c. Albany, N.Y. Dec. 19, 1888 Theodore Cooper C.E. New York Dear Sir: Mr. Sweet has asked me to write you in reference to some of the early bridges on the N.Y. Ceentral R.R. built by my father, the late Chas. Hilton. I regret that among the drawings left by him there are none of those earleir constructions, most of them referring to additions to the old structure at the time when the last two tracks were added to the road in about 1873 and 4. I shall be glad [undecipherable] by an examination of these papers in my hands to send you in a few days such information as I can acquire in regard to dates, [undecipherable], and c. Your very truly, Geo. P. Hilton