RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Palmer C. Rickett, director. TROY, N. Y. Oct 13/00. Dictated Theodore Cooper, C. E., #35 Broadway, New York City. Dear Sir Your favor if Oct 11 received and in reply would say that if convenient for you I will come to your office Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. The method of strengthening this bridge is in general as follows: two new arches will be added to each side truss and four to the center. New floor beams will be suspended from the arches - one between each of the present beams and extending outside on one side far enough to support the sidewalk. Teh present lower wind bracing which runs from the floorbeams and crossing under the center truss will be removed and new double bracing sunstituted running from the bottom of the posts of the center truss to those of the side trusses. The overhead horizontal cross beams running RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Palmer C. Rickett, director. TROY, N. Y. Dictated from the top of the top chords of the side trusses and notching into the posts of the center truss will then be removed and new 10x12 beams put in but will run from the top chord of the center truss down to that of the side trusses. (Wind bracing will be put in between these beams (there is none now). Knee braces will run from the posts to the overhead beams, which wthey will strike just over the center of the roadway. Arches will run from the posts to the floorbeams. We followed this construction in our experiments with the model which showed an increased strength of 50 percent. I might say that the United Traction Co - Mr Eluathan Sweet Eng;r figure the strength of the present structure as being able to carry a load of 60 lbs per square foot. I regret not being able to send blueprints with this which might be somewhat more explanatory but have just returned to the city and could have more printed. Yours truly, T.R. Lawson