Data Filename: CUES_Focus_Groups_Summer_2014_Report.pdf ReadMe File Name: ReadMe_ CUES_Focus_Groups_Summer_2014_Report.txt ReadMe File Contents: Introductory Information: Data Filename: CUES Focus Groups Summer 2014 Report.pdf Data File Description: These data were collected as part of the Cornell University Engineering Success (CUES) Program. Data collected include student grades, test scores and retention. Data File Format: PDF Related Data Files: CUES_Update_2013_2014.pdf Other Related Files: Spatial_Visualization_Test.pdf (Spatial Visualization Test) Principle Investigator / Data Owner: Alan T. Zehnder, Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853, Associated Investigators: Sara X. Hernandez (Cornell), Magnia George, (Y-STEM Inc.) Contact Person: Director, Diversity Programs in Engineering, 146 Olin Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853, Data Collection Dates: 20140701-20140730 Data File Submission Date: 20150626 Data File Updated: None Keywords: engineering, spatial visualization, tutoring, mathematics, retention, underrepresented minority, first generation college, undergraduate Data File Contents: File provides a short summary of findings from focus group interviews of CUES students Focus Group Questions: A. Introduction 1. First, I would like you to go around the room and introduce yourselves (FIRST NAME ONLY). Please tell me: a. Your first name b. What your major is c. Currently, what is your favorite college course B. General Attitudes About Pursuing Engineering Degree 2. First, give me three words to describe your feelings about pursuing an engineering degree. a. Probe: What are the most positive things about pursuing an engineering degree? b. Probe: What are the most negative things about pursuing an engineering degree? 3. What does pursuing an engineering degree mean for college students? What are the outcomes or results? 4. What barriers or challenges, if any, have you encountered or anticipate encountering in your pursuit to becoming an engineer? a. Probe: How have do you plan on overcoming these barriers or challenges? 5. What academic or research skills do you think will be necessary to get an undergraduate engineering degree? a. Probe: What academic or research skills do you want to improve? C. Fall Spatial Visualization 6. What engineering skills do you think you gained or developed throughout the course? 7. Have you used any of the information you learned in the Spatial Visualization course in other courses or research opportunities? 8. How do you think the course has prepared you to pursue an undergraduate engineering degree? a. Probe: What skills, if any, do you wish you had gained from the course? 9. How do you think the course has influenced your ideas about the work required of engineers? D. Summer Math Institute 10. What academic and engineering have you been focusing on developing during the summer math institute? a. Probe: What course are you taking? Is this a required course? Did you attempt to take the course during previous semesters? b. Probe: How successful do you think you will be at completing your current course? What additional support are you getting to ensure successful completion of the course? 11. To what extent has the summer institute helped you improve academic or engineering skills you were targeting for improvement? 12. Are there other ways in which the institute has strengthened your academic or research skills? If yes, please describe. E. Summer Spatial Visualization 13. What skills do you think you gained or developed throughout the course? 14. How do you think the course has prepared you to pursue an undergraduate engineering degree? a. Probe: What expectations did you have for the course? Did this course meet your expectations? 15. How do you think the course has influenced your ideas about the work required to do get an undergraduate degree in engineering? 16. How do you think the course has influenced your ideas about the work required of engineers? F. Concluding Thoughts 17. To wrap things up, I’d like to go around the room and have each person tell me what one or two things you will take away from this discussion. It can be anything related to any of the topics we discussed. Recommended Citation: Alan T. Zehnder, Sara X. Hernandez, and Magnia George, Data from: “CUES: Cornell University Engineering Success Program,” Identifier Funding Information: Collection of the data was funded by NSF grant 1317501