This read me describes the data deposited in the Cornell eCommons in association with the following article: Title: A microfabricated fixed path length silicon sample holder improves background subtraction for cryoSAXS Authors: Jesse B. Hopkins, Andrea M. Katz, Steve P. Meisburger, Matthew A. Warkentin, Robert E. Thorne and Lois Pollack Reference: Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2015. Volume 48, pages 227–237 Link: Link to supporting information: Communicating Author: Jesse B. Hopkins, Cornell University, e-mail: The materials and methods for data collection and processing are described in the paper, link above. An electronic reprint of the paper is included in the archive. A copy of the supporting information is also included. The data deposited here are the scattering profiles presented in the paper and the supporting information. Each file is in standard space delimited text format, and consists of three columns. These three columns are: 1) Scattering vector, q, in units of A^(-1) 2) Scattering intensity, I, in arbitrary units 3) Scattering intensity errors, Ier, in arbitrary units Column headers are not included in individual data files. The scattering intensity errors are calculated as the standard error of the mean. The data files are in the file. If a figure contains only one scattering profile it is labeled figure#.txt. Otherwise the data files are labeled according to the figure and subfigure they were part of, followed by a name corresponding to the legend in the figure. For example, the file: figure3_a_silicon_sample_holder.txt is the scattering data corresponding to the curve in Figure 3a labeled in the legend as "Silicon Sample Holder". Note that non-alphanumeric characters have been removed or replaced in the filenames. Data for supporting information figures are labeled in the same fashion, but as sfigure#. Note: Some data is repeated between figures. The following files represent the same data - figure3_b_holder_2.txt and figure3_c_holder.txt - figure4_a_100_K_(pg).txt and figure5_glucose_isomerase.txt and sfigure5_experimental_data.txt - figure4_a_room_temperature_(pg).txt and sfigure3_room_temperature_(pg).txt and sfigure6_experimental_data.txt The files in are identical to the .txt files with the same names, but with a .dat extension so they can be easily processed by the ATSAS package.