[This file contains the vocabulary list for the Global Performing Arts Database table of d_component_type_ml, a table of terms for the kinds of artifacts and elements of the performing arts identified in GloPAD and the non-English translations of those terms. This list is used to describe the kinds of artifacts and elements that editors find represented in the digital objects they upload to the database. The columns of this file are the database ID number for the term (typeid), the GloPAD language ID (multilangid, where 1=Japanese, 2=Russian, 3=Chinese, 4=German, 5=Chinese pinyin, 6=Japanese kana, and 7=Romanized Japanese), the English term (english), and the other language term (other_lang). The translations of terms into non-English languages used in GloPAD is on-going. For the most current contents contact GloPAC at glopac@cornell.edu.] "typeid" "multilangid" "english" "other_lang" "1" "1" "Architecture designs and plans" "建築デザインと設計図" "2" "1" "Construction" "建造物、建築、建築様式" "3" "1" "Facade" "正面、外観、ファサード" "4" "1" "Sponsoring temple" NA "5" "1" "Theater" "劇場" "6" "1" "Black box" "ブラックボックス" "7" "1" "Center stage" "舞台中央" "8" "1" "Dance studio" "ダンススタジオ" "9" "1" "Noh stage" "能舞台" "10" "1" "Stage" "舞台" "11" "1" "Backstage" "舞台裏" "12" "1" "Dressing room" "楽屋" "13" "1" "Audience presenting gifts" "贈答する観客" "14" "1" "Auditorium" "観客席" "15" "1" "Courtyard" "中庭" "16" "1" "Entrance" "劇場入口" "17" "1" "Foyer" "休憩室、ホワイエ" "18" "1" "Lobby" "ロビー" "19" "1" "Audience area / Seating" "観客の場所/席" "20" "1" "Backdrop" "背景幕" "22" "1" "Drop curtain" "緞帳" "23" "1" "Scene design drawing" "道具帳" "24" "1" "Set" "大道具" "25" "1" "Set construction" "大道具造り" "26" "1" "Set design" "道具帳" "28" "1" "Model (representation)" "見本" "29" "1" "Property design" "小道具帳" "30" "1" "Property list" "附帳" "31" "1" "Stage props" "舞台小道具" "32" "1" "Puppet" "人形" "33" "1" "Rod puppet" "棒遣い人形" "34" "1" "Water puppet" "水上人形" "35" "1" "Character design" "文字意匠" "36" "1" "Costume" "衣装" "37" "1" "Costume design drawing" "衣装デザイン画" "39" "1" "Dressing" "着付け" "40" "1" "Hand sewing" "手縫い" "41" "1" "Wig" "鬘" "42" "1" "Applying makeup" "化粧" "43" "1" "Makeup design drawing" "化粧デザイン画" "44" "1" "Mask" "面" "45" "1" "Maskmaking" "面制作" "46" "1" "Instruments" "楽器" "47" "1" "Musicians" "音楽家" "48" "1" "Light and sound score" NA "49" "1" "Ritual" "儀式" "50" "1" "Shrine" "神社" "51" "1" "Dress rehearsal" "ゲネプロ" "52" "1" "Music rehearsal" "音合わせ" "53" "1" "Read through" "読み合わせ" "54" "1" "Rehearsal" "けいこ、リハーサル" "55" "1" "Biomechanics training" "生体力学研修" "56" "1" "Dance" "舞踊" "57" "1" "Blocking script" NA "58" "1" "Promptbook" "演出台帳" "59" "1" "Script" "脚本/台本" "60" "1" "Advertisement" "宣伝" "61" "1" "Flier (printed matter)" "ビラ、チラシ" "62" "1" "Handbill" "ビラ、チラシ" "63" "1" "Leaflet" "チラシ、小冊子" "64" "1" "Playbill" "芝居のビラ" "65" "1" "Postcard" "絵葉書" "66" "1" "Poster" "ポスター" "67" "1" "dup Program [69]" NA "68" "1" "Sign" "貼り紙" "69" "1" "Program" "プログラム/番組/番付" "70" "1" "Ticket" "切符" "71" "1" "Cartoon" "漫画" "72" "1" "Character sketch" "人物寸評" "73" "1" "Invitation" "招待状、案内" "74" "1" "Magazine cover" "雑誌の表紙" "75" "1" "Movement" NA "76" "1" "dup Photograph on ticket" NA "77" "1" "Portrait" "肖像画" "78" "1" "Portrait, group" "グループ写真" "79" "1" "Production photograph" "アトリエ写真" "80" "1" "Publicity photograph" "宣伝写真" "81" "1" "Rehearsal notes" "リハーセルメモ" "82" "1" "Road to theater" "演劇への道" "83" "1" "Silhouette" "シルエット" "84" "1" "Clipping" "切り抜き" "85" "1" "Director's notes" "監督のメモ" "87" "1" "Letter (correspondence)" "手紙" "88" "1" "Membership card" "メンバーカード" "89" "1" "Opinion card" NA "90" "1" "Research manuscript" "研究原稿" "91" "1" "Archival materials" "アーカイブ資料" "92" "1" "Professional papers" "専門論文" "93" "1" "Text" "原本" "94" "1" "Rehearsal area" "リハーサル地域" "95" "1" "Publicity" "宣伝" "96" "1" "Pattern (kata)" "形" "97" "1" "Outside" "外部" "98" "1" "Orchestra" "オーケストラ" "99" "1" "Musical accompaniment" "伴奏" "100" "1" "Theater interior drawing" "劇場室内の図面" "101" "1" "Woodcut (print)" "木版画" "102" "1" "Bathing area" "入浴場" "103" "1" "Sheet music" "一枚刷りの楽譜、シートミュージック" "104" "1" "dup Set rendering" NA "105" "1" "Souvenir" "記念品" "106" "1" "Book" "本" "107" "1" "Calendar" "暦" "108" "1" "Holiday card" "グリーティングカード" "109" "1" "dup Costume description" NA "110" "1" "Figurine" "姿、人物" "111" "1" "Puppet carving" "人形細工" "112" "1" "Acting edition" NA "113" "1" "Cast list" "キャスティングリスト" "114" "1" "Lyrics" "歌詞" "115" "1" "Review" "批評記事" "116" "1" "Face painting" NA "117" "1" "Puppet manipulation" "人形の操り" "118" "1" "Puppet costuming" "人形の衣装・鬘・化粧" "119" "1" "Swatches" "見本帳" "120" "1" "Treatise" "伝書" "121" "1" "Dubbed sound track" "吹き替えのサウンドトラック" "122" "1" "Animation" "アニメーション" "123" "1" "Office" "事務所" "124" "1" NA NA "125" "1" "Costume folding" NA "126" "1" NA NA "1" "2" "Architecture designs and plans" NA "2" "2" "Construction" NA "3" "2" "Facade" NA "4" "2" "Sponsoring temple" NA "5" "2" "Theater" NA "6" "2" "Black box" NA "7" "2" "Center stage" NA "8" "2" "Dance studio" NA "9" "2" "Noh stage" NA "10" "2" "Stage" NA "11" "2" "Backstage" NA "12" "2" "Dressing room" NA "13" "2" "Audience presenting gifts" NA "14" "2" "Auditorium" NA "15" "2" "Courtyard" NA "16" "2" "Entrance" NA "17" "2" "Foyer" NA "18" "2" "Lobby" NA "19" "2" "Audience area / Seating" NA "20" "2" "Backdrop" NA "22" "2" "Drop curtain" NA "23" "2" "Scene design drawing" NA "24" "2" "Set" NA "25" "2" "Set construction" NA "26" "2" "Set design" NA "28" "2" "Model (representation)" NA "29" "2" "Property design" NA "30" "2" "Property list" NA "31" "2" "Stage props" NA "32" "2" "Puppet" NA "33" "2" "Rod puppet" NA "34" "2" "Water puppet" NA "35" "2" "Character design" NA "36" "2" "Costume" NA "37" "2" "Costume design drawing" NA "39" "2" "Dressing" NA "40" "2" "Hand sewing" NA "41" "2" "Wig" NA "42" "2" "Applying makeup" NA "43" "2" "Makeup design drawing" NA "44" "2" "Mask" NA "45" "2" "Maskmaking" NA "46" "2" "Instruments" NA "47" "2" "Musicians" NA "48" "2" "Light and sound score" NA "49" "2" "Ritual" NA "50" "2" "Shrine" NA "51" "2" "Dress rehearsal" NA "52" "2" "Music rehearsal" NA "53" "2" "Read through" NA "54" "2" "Rehearsal" NA "55" "2" "Biomechanics training" NA "56" "2" "Dance" NA "57" "2" "Blocking script" NA "58" "2" "Promptbook" NA "59" "2" "Script" NA "60" "2" "Advertisement" NA "61" "2" "Flier (printed matter)" NA "62" "2" "Handbill" NA "63" "2" "Leaflet" NA "64" "2" "Playbill" NA "65" "2" "Postcard" NA "66" "2" "Poster" NA "67" "2" "dup Program [69]" NA "68" "2" "Sign" NA "69" "2" "Program" NA "70" "2" "Ticket" NA "71" "2" "Cartoon" NA "72" "2" "Character sketch" NA "73" "2" "Invitation" NA "74" "2" "Magazine cover" NA "75" "2" "Movement" NA "76" "2" "dup Photograph on ticket" NA "77" "2" "Portrait" NA "78" "2" "Portrait, group" NA "79" "2" "Production photograph" NA "80" "2" "Publicity photograph" NA "81" "2" "Rehearsal notes" NA "82" "2" "Road to theater" NA "83" "2" "Silhouette" NA "84" "2" "Clipping" NA "85" "2" "Director's notes" NA "87" "2" "Letter (correspondence)" NA "88" "2" "Membership card" NA "89" "2" "Opinion card" NA "90" "2" "Research manuscript" NA "91" "2" "Archival materials" NA "92" "2" "Professional papers" NA "93" "2" "Text" NA "94" "2" "Rehearsal area" NA "95" "2" "Publicity" NA "96" "2" "Pattern (kata)" NA "97" "2" "Outside" NA "98" "2" "Orchestra" NA "99" "2" "Musical accompaniment" NA "100" "2" "Theater interior drawing" NA "101" "2" "Woodcut (print)" NA "102" "2" "Bathing area" NA "103" "2" "Sheet music" NA "104" "2" "dup Set rendering" NA "105" "2" "Souvenir" NA "106" "2" "Book" NA "107" "2" "Calendar" NA "108" "2" "Holiday card" NA "109" "2" "dup Costume description" NA "110" "2" "Figurine" NA "1" "3" "Architecture designs and plans" "会测绘画及平面图" "2" "3" "Construction" "架构" "3" "3" "Facade" NA "4" "3" "Sponsoring temple" NA "5" "3" "Theater" "剧场" "6" "3" "Black box" NA "7" "3" "Center stage" "舞台中区" "8" "3" "Dance studio" NA "9" "3" "Noh stage" "能剧舞台" "10" "3" "Stage" "舞台" "11" "3" "Backstage" "后台" "12" "3" "Dressing room" "化妆间" "13" "3" "Audience presenting gifts" NA "14" "3" "Auditorium" "观众席" "15" "3" "Courtyard" "前院,后院" "16" "3" "Entrance" "剧院入口" "17" "3" "Foyer" "剧院大厅" "18" "3" "Lobby" "剧院前廊" "19" "3" "Audience area / Seating" "座位" "20" "3" "Backdrop" "布景" "22" "3" "Drop curtain" NA "23" "3" "Scene design drawing" "布景设计图" "24" "3" "Set" "布景,大道具" "25" "3" "Set construction" "布景架构" "26" "3" "Set design" "布景设计" "28" "3" "Model (representation)" "模型" "29" "3" "Property design" "道具设计" "30" "3" "Property list" NA "31" "3" "Stage props" "小道具" "32" "3" "Puppet" "木偶,傀儡" "33" "3" "Rod puppet" NA "34" "3" "Water puppet" "水上木偶,水上傀儡" "35" "3" "Character design" "人物造型" "36" "3" "Costume" "服装" "37" "3" "Costume design drawing" "服装设计图" "39" "3" "Dressing" NA "40" "3" "Hand sewing" NA "41" "3" "Wig" "假发" "42" "3" "Applying makeup" "化妆" "43" "3" "Makeup design drawing" "化装设计图" "44" "3" "Mask" "面具" "45" "3" "Maskmaking" "面具制作" "46" "3" "Instruments" "乐器" "47" "3" "Musicians" "乐师" "48" "3" "Light and sound score" NA "49" "3" "Ritual" "仪式" "50" "3" "Shrine" "神社(日本)" "51" "3" "Dress rehearsal" "总彩排" "52" "3" "Music rehearsal" NA "53" "3" "Read through" "对台词" "54" "3" "Rehearsal" "彩排" "55" "3" "Biomechanics training" "技术彩排" "56" "3" "Dance" "舞蹈" "57" "3" "Blocking script" NA "58" "3" "Promptbook" NA "59" "3" "Script" "脚本" "60" "3" "Advertisement" "宣传,广告" "61" "3" "Flier (printed matter)" "宣传单" "62" "3" "Handbill" "节目单" "63" "3" "Leaflet" NA "64" "3" "Playbill" "节目表" "65" "3" "Postcard" "明信片" "66" "3" "Poster" "海报" "67" "3" "dup Program [69]" "节目表" "68" "3" "Sign" NA "69" "3" "Program" NA "70" "3" "Ticket" "戏票" "71" "3" "Cartoon" "漫画" "72" "3" "Character sketch" "人物素描" "73" "3" "Invitation" "请柬" "74" "3" "Magazine cover" "杂志封面" "75" "3" "Movement" "动作" "76" "3" "dup Photograph on ticket" NA "77" "3" "Portrait" NA "78" "3" "Portrait, group" NA "79" "3" "Production photograph" "剧照" "80" "3" "Publicity photograph" "宣传照" "81" "3" "Rehearsal notes" NA "82" "3" "Road to theater" NA "83" "3" "Silhouette" NA "84" "3" "Clipping" NA "85" "3" "Director's notes" NA "87" "3" "Letter (correspondence)" "书简,信" "88" "3" "Membership card" NA "89" "3" "Opinion card" NA "90" "3" "Research manuscript" NA "91" "3" "Archival materials" "收藏资料" "92" "3" "Professional papers" NA "93" "3" "Text" NA "94" "3" "Rehearsal area" NA "95" "3" "Publicity" "宣传" "96" "3" "Pattern (kata)" NA "97" "3" "Outside" NA "98" "3" "Orchestra" "乐队" "99" "3" "Musical accompaniment" "音乐伴奏" "100" "3" "Theater interior drawing" NA "101" "3" "Woodcut (print)" NA "102" "3" "Bathing area" NA "103" "3" "Sheet music" NA "104" "3" "dup Set rendering" NA "105" "3" "Souvenir" NA "106" "3" "Book" NA "107" "3" "Calendar" NA "108" "3" "Holiday card" NA "109" "3" "dup Costume description" NA "110" "3" "Figurine" NA "127" NA NA NA "128" NA "Subtitles" NA