Laura Colosi
Extension Associate

Web Bio Page

Current Activities

Current Professional Activities
  Current work activities include evaluating New York State’s food stamp nutrition education program, Eat Smart New York.

Current Research Activities

Specific research interests include the application of systems thinking to the evaluation of educational and/or social welfare programs; parent and child well-being; the impact of welfare policies on children and families; and the importance of both father’s involvement and child support policies for children in single parent families.

Current Extension Activities

Extension activities include evaluating the New York State Nutrition Education Program, Eat Smart New York; and preparing research briefs on nutrition evaluation, models of program implementation and systemic approaches to program evaluation.


evaluation, policy analysis, families, child and well being

Courses, Websites, Pubs

Selected Publications

Cabrera, D., & Colosi, L. – Thinking at Every Desk. The Research Institute for Thinking in Education, September 2009.

Cabrera, D., & Colosi, L. (2009) "The library is the place: Knowledge and thinking, thinking and knowledge." Teacher Librarian. June 2009, pp. 24-29.

Cabrera, D., Colosi, L., & Lobdell, C. (2008) "Systems Thinking."Journal of Evaluation and Program Planning. Vol 31, No 3, pp. 299-310.

Cabrera, D. & Colosi, L. (2008) "Distinctions, systems, relationships, andperspectives (DSRP): A theory of thinking and of things."Journal of Evaluation and Program Planning. Vol 31, No 3, pp. 311-317.