Emily Owens
Prof Asst

Web Bio Page

Current Activities

Current Research Activities
Emily G. Owens is currently working on a number of projects using a unique set of Maryland criminal justice records. She is studying how the imposition of sentencing guidelines affect judicial discretion making by examining how judges sentence individuals when guidelines recommendations are calculated in different ways. Research on the economics of crime includes examining the impact of sentence length on criminal recidivism using prospect theory, as opposed to conventional expected utility theory, to measure how severe convicted individuals perceive their punishment to be.   

In addition to her work with the Maryland data set, Dr. Owens is conducting research on how changes in the size and composition of the immigrant population in the United States is related to informal economic activity. 


Biographical Statement
Emily G. Owens is an assistant professor in the Department of Policy Analysis and Management. She joined the Cornell faculty in 2007 after receiving her Ph.D. in economics at the University of Maryland, College Park. Her primary area of research focuses on government regulation of criminal activity. This includes studying how government policies affect the prevalence of criminal activity as well as the structure of criminal justice systems. She is also a research fellow at the Jacob France Institute in Baltimore, Maryland.

B.A.     2002 - Brown University, Applied Math and Economics
Ph.D.    2007 - University of Maryland, Economics

Courses, Websites, Pubs

Courses Taught
PAM 333: Law, Economics and Public Policy

Related Websites

Evans, W. N. and Owens, E. G. (2007). “COPS and Crime” Journal of Public Economics 91(2): 181-201.