Virginia Utermohlen
Prof Assoc

Web Bio Page

Current Activities

Current Professional Activities

Cornell University Graduate Field Membership: Nutrition

Faculty premedical adviser, College of Human Ecology

Current Research Activities
The relationship of sensory sensitivity (taste, smell, and vision) to determinants of personality, food choice, attitudes toward food and eating, choice of profession, short-term memory, and academic performance.


Biographical Statement
After medical school and training in pediatrics, Dr. Utermohlen completed a post-doctoral fellowship in immunology at Rockefeller University, where her initial research was focussed on the immunology of autoimmune disease.  On coming to Cornell, she initially continued with this interest, but, in the context of her appointment to the Division of Nutritional Sciences, she turned to considering how taste and smell sensitivity are related to personality, food choice, eating attitudes and behavior, and choice of profession.

Through her teaching activities (which have won her both the Distinguished Teaching Award of the New York State College of Human Ecology and State University of New York Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching) she has become interested in the ways students think, and how best to foster superior academic performance.  She is currently turning this interest into a research program on the relationships among taste and smell sensitivity, field dependence, memory, attitudes towards reading and learning, and their consequences for academic success.


Administrative Responsibilities
Faculty pre-health advisor, College of Human Ecology

Courses, Websites, Pubs

Courses Taught
NS 300 Special Studies for Undergraduates
NS 401 Empirical Research
NS 402 Supervised Fieldwork
NS 403 Teaching Apprenticeship
NS 441 Nutrition and Disease
NS 660 Special Topics in Nutrition
NS 999 Doctoral Thesis and Research

Related Websites

Brownlie IV, T, Utermohlen, V, Hinton, PS, Haas, JD.  Tissue iron deficiency without anemia impairs adaptation in endurance capacity after aerobic training in previously untrained women.  American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 79(3): 437-443, 2004.

Utermohlen, V.  Articles on “Eating,” (with David R. Bauer), “Drug-nutrient Interactions,” and “Eating Disorders” for the Encyclopedia of Food and Culture, Solomon H. Katz, Editor in Chief.  Scribner Library of Daily Life, Charles H. Scribner’s Sons, New York, 2003.

Utermohlen, V.  Was Proust a taster?  Taste sensitivity to 6-n-propylthiouracil and the relationships among memory, imagination, synesthesia, and emotional response to visual experience. Food and Foodways. 10 (3): 99-109, 2002.

Bilukha, OO, Utermohlen, V.  Internalization of Western standards of appearance, body dissatisfaction and dieting in urban educated Ukrainian females.  Eur. J. Eat. Disord. Rev. 10: 120-137, 2002.

Biloukha, OO, Utermohlen, V.  Healthy eating in Ukraine: attitudes, barriers and information sources.  Public Health Nutr. 4 : 207-215, 2001

Biloukha, OO, Utermohlen, V.  Correlates of food consumption and perceptions of foods in an educated urban population in Ukraine.  Food Qual. Prefer. 11: 475-485, 2000

Utermohlen, V.  Biological Demands and the Timing of Meals.  Food and Foodways 6:187-193, 1996.