Hui Chen
Research Associate

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Biographical Statement
Hui Chen received her Bachelors of Science degree in 1997 from Fudan University in China in Biochemistry and Ph.D. degree in 2004 in Molecular and Cell Biology from University of Maryland Baltimore County.  She joined Dr. Nathaniel Landau’s laboratory at the Salk Institute in 2004 as a postdoctoral fellow.  She joined Cornell University in 2007 as a research associate of Division of Nutritional Sciences.

B.S. 1993-1997,  B.S., Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Ph.D. 1999-2004, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, USA

Courses, Websites, Pubs

Chen, H., A. Nandi, X. Li. and C. J. Bieberich. 2002. NKX-3.1 Interacts with Prostate Derived Ets Factor and Regulates the Activity of the PSA Promoter.  Cancer Res. 62:338-340.
Chen, H. and C. J. Bieberich. 2005. Structural and Functional Analysis of Domains Mediating Interaction Between NKX-3.1 and PDEF. J. Cell. Biochem. 94:168-177.
Navarro, F., B. Bollman, H. Chen, R. König, Q. Yu, K. Chiles, and N. R. Landau. 2005. Complementary Function of the Two Catalytic Domains of APOBEC3G. Virology. 333:374-386.
Chen, H., L. N. Mutton, G. S. Prins and C. J. Bieberich. 2005. Distinct Regulatory Elements Mediate the Dynamic Expression Pattern of Nkx3.1. Dev. Dyn. 234:961-973.
Chen, H., C. E. Lilley, Q. Yu, D. V. Lee, J. Chou, I. Narvaiza, N. R. Landau and M. D. Weitzman. 2006. APOBEC3A is a Potent Inhibitor of Adeno-Associated Virus and Retrotransposons.  Curr. Biol. 16:480-485.