FRB Newsletter Volume 04, Issue 1 — January 2023

Total FRB count: 639 (1 new)
Repeaters: 50 (25 new)
Host galaxies: 24 (1 new)
TNS FRB Search

From the Editors

A happy new year to all our readers, and welcome to Volume 4 of the FRB Newsletter. The year has already started with a bang, with exciting results presented at the 241st Meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Seattle, including a slew of new FRBs localized with the DSA-110 instrument. We look forward to bringing you those papers and other FRB news items as they become available, and we welcome your tips and submissions by email.

Papers of Interest

Host Galaxies and Localizations
  • Deep Synoptic Array science: a 50 Mpc fast radio burst constrains the mass of the Milky Way circumgalactic medium; Ravi et al., arXiv: 2301.01000
Observational Results
  • Sub-arcminute localization of 13 repeating fast radio bursts detected by CHIME/FRB; Michilli et al., arXiv: 2212.11941
  • Distribution of fast radio burst dispersion measures in CHIME/FRB Catalog 1: implications on the origin of FRBs; Zhang et al., arXiv: 2212.13148
  • First statistical measurement of the Hubble constant using unlocalized fast radio bursts; Zhao et al., arXiv: 2212.13433
  • Atlas of dynamic spectra of fast radio burst FRB 20201124A; Wang et al., arXiv: 2301.01429
  • Covariance Matrix of Fast Radio Bursts Dispersion; Reischke & Hagstotz, arXiv: 2301.03527
  • An FRB Sent Me a DM: Constraining the Electron Column of the Milky Way Halo with Fast Radio Burst Dispersion Measures from CHIME/FRB; Cook et al., arXiv: 2301.03502
  • Hunting the gamma-ray emission from Fast Radio Burst with Fermi-LAT; Principe et al., arXiv: 2301.06464
  • A new limit on intergalactic magnetic fields on sub-kpc scales from fast radio bursts; Padmanabhan & Loeb, arXiv: 2301.08259
  • CHIME/FRB Discovery of 25 Repeating Fast Radio Burst Sources; CHIME/FRB Collaboration, arXiv: 2301.08762
Theory and Modeling
  • High-Energy Neutrinos from Gamma-Ray-Faint Accretion-Powered Hypernebulae; Sridhar et al., arXiv: 2212.11236
  • The Statistical Polarization Properties of Coherent Curvature Radiation by Bunches: Application to Fast Radio Burst Repeaters; Liu et al., arXiv: 2212.13153
  • Could Fast Radio Bursts Be Standard Candles?; Guo & Wei, arXiv: 2301.08194
Algorithms and Instrumentation
  • An interference detection strategy for Apertif based on AOFlagger 3; Offringa et al., arXiv: 2301.01562
Magnetars and other relevant results
  • How bright can old magnetars be? Assessing the impact of magnetized envelopes and field topology on neutron star cooling; Dehman et al., arXiv: 2301.02261
  • Burst phase distribution of SGR J1935+2154 based on Insight-HXMT; Lu et al., arXiv: 2301.07333
  • On the cusp of cusps: a universal model for extreme scattering events in the ISM; Jow et al., 2301.08344
  • On the origin of magnetar glitch-associated activities; Shuang Du, 2301.04602
  • Evolutionary implications of a magnetar interpretation for GLEAM-X J162759.5-523504.3; Suvorov & Melatos, 2301.08541
From the Astronomer's Telegram
  • In a revision to ATel 15783, the UTMOST-NS team reports (ATel 15865) that FRB20221128A was actually detected in a sidelobe, and therefore had a much higher intrinsic fluence of 1000 +- 250 Jy-ms at a DM of 506.3 pc/cc, making it one of the brighter FRBs detected to date. The position is revised by a degree in Dec.
Relevant Job Listings

We note another job advertisement in the FRB field that may be specifically relevant to the readers of this newsletter below:
Do you have an item for future newsletters? Please send these via email to the editors (Shami and Kenzie) to be included in an upcoming issue.