This readme file was generated on 2022-09-12 by Raina Plowright GENERAL INFORMATION Title of Dataset: Data and scripts from: Pathogen spillover driven by rapid changes in bat ecology. Food shortage regression tree model. Recommended citation for this dataset: Eby, Peggy, Alison Peel, Andrew Hoegh, Wyatt Madden, John Giles, Peter Hudson, and Raina Plowright (2022) Data and scripts from: Pathogen spillover driven by rapid changes in bat ecology. Food shortage regression tree model. [Dataset]. Cornell University eCommons Digital Repository. Author/Principal Investigator Information Name: Peggy Eby ORCID: Institution: University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia; Griffith University, Nathan, Qld, Australia; Center for Large Landscape Conservation, Bozeman, MT, USA Email: Author/Co-investigator Information Name: Andrew Hoegh ORCID: Institution: Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA Email: Author/Co-investigator Information Name: Wyatt Madden ORCID: Institution: Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA Email: Author/Corresponding Author Information Name: Raina Plowright ORCID: Institution: Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA Email: Date of data collection: 1996-2020 Geographic location of data collection: Subtropical Australia Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This research was developed with funding from the National Science Foundation (DEB-1716698), U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA PREEMPT D18AC00031), and U.S. National Institute of Food and Agriculture (1015891). AJP was supported by an Australian Research Council DECRA fellowship (DE190100710). SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: This dataset is shared under a Creative Commons 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication ( The material can be copied, modified and used without permission, but attribution to the original authors is always appreciated. Recommended citation for this dataset: Eby, Peggy, Alison Peel, Andrew Hoegh, Wyatt Madden, John Giles, Peter Hudson, and Raina Plowright (2022) Data and scripts from: Pathogen spillover driven by rapid changes in bat ecology. Food shortage regression tree model. [Dataset]. Cornell University eCommons Digital Repository. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Eby, Peggy, Alison Peel, Andrew Hoegh, Wyatt Madden, John Giles, Peter Hudson, and Raina Plowright (2022) Pathogen spillover driven by rapid changes in bat ecology. Nature. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: NA Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: Dataset D: Oceanic Niño Index (ONI). Dataset K: Modelled pre-clearing vegetation types, southeast Queensland Bioregion. Dataset L: Forests Cover. Dataset M: Qld Statewide Landcover and Trees Study. Below is the list of datasets related to the 2022 Nature paper, Rapid changes in bat ecology drive the emergence of a fatal zoonotic virus, that are archived at eCommons, Cornell University. Data index: Regression model: Bayesian model: Dataset A: Dataset B: Dataset C: Dataset E: Dataset F: Dataset G: Dataset I: Dataset J: DATA & FILE OVERVIEW File List: 1. Eby_et_al_2022_food_shortage_model_inputdata.csv a. Number of variables: 35 b. Number of cases/rows: 170 c. Variable List: i. oni - Running 3-month average Oceanic Niño Index, a measure of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation. ii. year - Years from 2006 to 2020 iii. month - Months from January 2006 to February 2020 iv. shortage - Binary response variable indicating nectar shortage based on observations and practices of commercial apiarists v. rehab_num - Monthly count of flying foxes in the records of NR WIRES, excluding heat event outliers. vi. lag_one_rehab_num - One-month lag of rehab_num vii. mean_mass_bff_female - Mean monthly adult BFF female mass (BFF = black flying fox) viii. min_mass_bff_female - Minimum monthly adult BFF female mass ix. quant_25_mass_bff_female - Lower 0.25 quantile monthly BFF adult female mass x. mean_wt_to_fa_bff_female - Mean monthly BFF adult female mass/forearm xi. min_wt_to_fa_bff_female - Minimum monthly BFF adult female mass/forearm xii. quant_25_wt_to_fa_bff_female - Lower 0.25 quantile monthly BFF adult female mass/forearm xiii. mean_mass_bff_male - Mean monthly adult BFF male mass xiv. min_mass_bff_male - Minimum monthly adult BFF male mass xv. quant_25_mass_bff_male - Lower 0.25 quantile monthly BFF adult male mass xvi. mean_wt_to_fa_bff_male - Mean monthly BFF adult male mass/forearm xvii. min_wt_to_fa_bff_male - Minimum monthly BFF adult male mass/forearm xviii. quant_25_wt_to_fa_bff_male - Lower 0.25 quantile monthly BFF adult male mass/forearm xix. mean_mass_ghff_female - Mean monthly adult GHFF female mass (GHFF = grey-headed flying fox) xx. min_mass_ghff_female - Minimum monthly adult GHFF female mass xxi. quant_25_mass_ghff_female - Lower 0.25 quantile monthly GHFF adult female mass xxii. mean_wt_to_fa_ghff_female - Mean monthly GHFF adult female mass/forearm xxiii. min_wt_to_fa_ghff_female - Minimum monthly GHFF adult female mass/forearm xxiv. quant_25_wt_to_fa_ghff_female - Lower 0.25 quantile monthly GHFF adult female mass/forearm xxv. mean_mass_ghff_male - Mean monthly adult GHFF male mass xxvi. min_mass_ghff_male - Minimum monthly adult GHFF male mass xxvii. quant_25_mass_ghff_male - Lower 0.25 quantile monthly GHFF adult male mass xxviii. mean_wt_to_fa_ghff_male - Mean monthly GHFF adult male mass/forearm xxix. min_wt_to_fa_ghff_male - Minimum monthly GHFF adult male mass/forearm xxx. quant_25_wt_to_fa_ghff_male - Lower 0.25 quantile monthly GHFF adult male mass/forearm xxxi. boolum_perc_w_young - Booyong/Lumley roost annual Dec/Jan measurements percent adult females with young applied to months of April through March xxxii. rotpk_perc_w_young - Rotary Park roost annual Dec/Jan measurements percent adult females with young applied to months of April through March xxxiii. min_perc_w_young - Minimum annual Dec/Jan measurements percent adult females with young (between Booyong/Lumley and Rotary Park) applied to months of April through March xxxiv. mean_perc_w_young - Mean annual Dec/Jan measurements percent adult females with young (between Booyong/Lumley and Rotary Park) applied to months of April through March xxxv. spring_and_after_oni_peak - Indicator if the month is Oct/Nov/Dec and if an ONI of greater than or equal to 0.8 occurred within last 11 months. 2. Eby_et_al_2022_food_shortage_model_outputdata.csv a. Number of variables: 7 b. Number of cases/rows: 170 c. Variable List: i. year - Years from 2006 to 2020 ii. month - Months from January 2006 to February 2020 iii. rehab_num - Monthly count of flying foxes in the records of NR WIRES, excluding heat event outliers. iv. min_perc_w_young - Minumum annual Dec/Jan measurements percent adult females with young (between Booyong/Lumley and Rotary Park) applied to months of April through March v. shortage - Categorical variable indicating whether the month was identified as a nectar shortage based on observations and practices of commercial apiarists vi. model_shortage - Categorical variable indicating whether the month was identified as a nectar shortage by the regression model 3. Eby_et_al_2022_food_shortage_model_runcode.R a. R script for replicating food shortage analysis. b. Code executed in R version 4.2.1 c. Requires tidyverse, rpart, and rattle R packages Are there multiple versions of the dataset? NO