This readme file was generated on 2022-08-09 by Jason B. Cho GENERAL INFORMATION Title of Dataset: Data containing transaction history and visual traits of eight highly valued Non-fungible token (NFT) collections. Author/Principal Investigator Information Name: Jason B. Cho ORCID: Institution: Cornell University Address: Ithaca, NY, USA Email: Author/Associate or Co-investigator Information Name: Sven Serneels ORCID: Institution: Gallop Data, Inc. Address: Denver, CO, USA Email: Author/Alternate Contact Information Name: David S. Matteson ORCID: Institution: Cornell University Address: Ithaca, NY, USA Email: Date of data collection: 2022-04-01 Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the National Science Foundation Awards 1934985, 1940124, 1940276, and 2114143. SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: This dataset is shared under a Creative Commons 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication ( The material can be copied, modified, and used without permission, but attribution to the original authors is always appreciated. (CC0) Recommended citation for this dataset: Serneels, Sven, Jason B. Cho and David S. Matteson (2022). Data containing transaction history and visual traits of eight highly valued Non-fungible token (NFT) collections [dataset]. Cornell University Library eCommons Digital Library. DATA & FILE OVERVIEW File List: 1) "Aurory_2022_03_31.csv", 2) "Autoglyphs_2022_03_31.csv", 3) "BoredApeKennelClub_2022_03_31.csv", 4) "BoredApeYachtClub_2022_03_31.csv", 5) "Cryptopunks_2022_03_31.csv", 6) "DegenerateApeAcademy_2022_03_31.csv", 7) "Meebits_2022_03_31.csv", 8) "MutantApeYachtClub_2022_03_31.csv" Each files contain transaction history between the project launch and March 31, 2022, as well as visual traits at the token level of a valued Non-fungible token (NFT) collection: 1) Aurory, 2) Autoglphs, 3) Bored Ape Kennel Club, 4) Bored Ape Yacht Club, 5) Cryptopunks, 6) Degenerate Ape Academy, 7) Meebits and 8) Mutant Ape Yacht Club. Each NFT collections consist of 500 ~ 20,000 unique non-fungible tokens. METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION Description of methods used for collection and processing of data: The data represent transaction data for eight collections of non-fungible tokens. The data were obtained using the APIs provided by Gallop Data, Inc. ( The data provided by Gallop combine transaction data with token metadata. Gallop aggregates and decodes the former directly from the Ethereum and Solana blockchains and collects metadata from collection specific sources, such as the IPFS. Gallop Data, Inc. also has stringent quality procedures in place regarding the data aggregation procedures. People involved with sample collection, and processing: Sven Serneels. People involved with sample analysis, and submission: Jason Cho, and Sven Serneels. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR ALL 8 FILES: There is no missing value in all 8 files. However, for some of the visual trait columns (ex "Cloth","Neckless",...etc),they are left as blank without any entry. Blank entry does not signify data being missing but rather absence of any visual trait. For example, for the file "BoredApeKennelClub_2022_03_31.csv", column "Feet", some entries are left as blank. This means that the associated token is wearing any shoes. 1) DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: "Aurory_2022_03_31.csv" Number of variables: 25 Number of cases/rows: 1978 Variable List: 1) "block_timestamp": The time of the transaction written in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. 2) "collection_tag": Name of the collection. In this case, it is "aurory" for all data points. 3) "update_authority": Wallet address on Solana that has authority to change information about the collection. 4) "token_id": A unique unit256 ID for the transacted token (Each NFT token is identified by a unique unit256 ID). 5) "token_name": Name of the token being traded (unique identifier of the token). 6) "first_signature": Unique identifier of the transaction on Solana blockchain. 7) "currency_symbol": Currency used for the transaction. In this case, it is "SOL" which represents Solana blockchain. 8) "exchange": The intermediary for the transactions (ex: Opensea). 9) "usd_value": Transacted price in USA dollar. 10) "pre_token_owner": Wallet address of the seller. 11) "post_token_owner": Wallet address of the buyer. 12) "symbol": Symbol of the collection. In this case, it is "AUROR" for all data points. 13) "Background": Visual traits of the transacted token (ex: "Blue"). 14) "Skin": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Human", "Zombie"). 15) "Cloth": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Jean Jacket"). 16) "Necklace": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Flower Necklace") 17) "Mouth": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Cat Mask") 18) "Clothing": Visual trait of the transacted token (All tokens have "No Trait") 19) "Eyes": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Black Eyes"). 20) "Hair": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Curly"). 21) "Hat": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Big Crown"). 22) "Type": Visual trait of the transacted token (All tokens are "Aurorian"). 23) "generation": technical parameter in token's blockchain meta data (unique to NFT collections on Solana blockchain). 24) "sequence": technical parameter in token's blockchain meta data (unique to NFT collections on Solana blockchain). 25) "price": Transacted price in currency described in "currency_symbol". 2) DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: "Autoglyphs_2022_03_31.csv" Number of variables: 14 Number of cases/rows: 490 Variable List: 1) "block_timestamp": The time of the transaction written in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. 2) "contract_address": Address of the smart contract associated with the Autoglyphs NFT collection. 3) "collection_name": Name of the collection. In this case, it is "Autoglyphs" for all data points. 4) "token_id": A unique unit256 ID for the transacted token (Each NFT token is identified by a unique unit256 ID). 5) "from_address": Wallet address of the seller. 6) "to_address": Wallet address of the buyer. 7) "txn_hash": Unique identifier of the transaction. 8) "currency_symbol": Currency used for the transaction. ("ETH": Ethereum ,"WETH": Weighted Ethereum,"USDC": USD coin). 9) "usd_value": Transacted price in USA dollar. 10) "exchange": The intermediary for the transactions (ex: "Project Wyvern Exchange") 11) "token_name": Name of the token being traded (unique identifier of the token). 12) "Type": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: 2). Each number is associated with a certain visual scheme. 13) "raw_image": The raw image of the token. For more information: 14) "price": Transacted price in currency described in "currency_symbol". 3) DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: "BoredApeKennelClub_2022_03_31.csv" Number of variables: 18 Number of cases/rows: 20176 Variable List: 1) "block_timestamp": The time of the transaction written in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. 2) "contract_address": Address of the smart contract associated with the Bored Ape Kennel Club NFT collection. 3) "collection_name": Name of the collection. In this case, it is "BoredApeKennelClub" for all data points. 4) "token_id": A unique unit256 ID for the transacted token (Each NFT token is identified by a unique unit256 ID). 5) "from_address": Wallet address of the seller. 6) "to_address": Wallet address of the buyer. 7) "txn_hash": Unique identifier of the transaction. 8) "currency_symbol": Currency used for the transaction. ("ETH": Ethereum ,"WETH": Weighted Ethereum,"USDC": USD coin). 9) "usd_value": Transacted price in USA dollar. 10) "exchange": The intermediary for the transactions (ex: "Project Wyvern Exchange") 11) "token_name": Name of the token being traded (unique identifier of the token). 12) "Background": Visual traits of the transacted token (ex: "Club Exterior"). 13) "Fur": Visual traits of the transacted token (ex: "Robot"). 14) "Feet": Visual traits of the transacted token (ex: "Boots"). 15) "Neck": Visual traits of the transacted token (ex: "Pink Collar"). 16) "Mouth": Visual traits of the transacted token (ex: "Cigar"). 17) "Eyes": Visual traits of the transacted token (ex: "Laser"). 18) "price": Transacted price in currency described in "currency_symbol". 4) DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: "BoredApeYachtClub_2022_03_31.csv" Number of variables: 18 Number of cases/rows: 26751 Variable List: 1) "block_timestamp": The time of the transaction written in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. 2) "contract_address": Address of the smart contract associated with the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT collection. 3) "collection_name": Name of the collection. In this case, it is "BoredApeYachtClub" for all data points. 4) "token_id": A unique unit256 ID for the transacted token (Each NFT token is identified by a unique unit256 ID). 5) "from_address": Wallet address of the seller. 6) "to_address": Wallet address of the buyer. 7) "txn_hash": Unique identifier of the transaction. 8) "currency_symbol": Currency used for the transaction. ("ETH": Ethereum ,"WETH": Weighted Ethereum,"USDC": USD coin). 9) "usd_value": Transacted price in USA dollar. 10) "exchange": The intermediary for the transactions (ex: "Project Wyvern Exchange") 11) "token_name": Name of the token being traded (unique identifier of the token). 12) "Clothes": Visual traits of the transacted token (ex: "Sailor Shirt"). 13) "Background": Visual traits of the transacted token (ex: "Purple"). 14) "Hat": Visual traits of the transacted token (ex: "King's Crown"). 15) "Fur": Visual traits of the transacted token (ex: "Brown"). 16) "Eyes": Visual traits of the transacted token (ex: "Cyborg"). 17) "Mouth": Visual traits of the transacted token (ex: "Grin"). 18) "price": Transacted price in currency described in "currency_symbol". 5) DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: "Cryptopunks_2022_03_31.csv" Number of variables: 14 Number of cases/rows: 18923 Variable List: 1) "block_timestamp": The time of the transaction written in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. 2) "contract_address": Address of the smart contract associated with the Cryptopunks NFT collection. 3) "collection_name": Name of the collection. In this case, it is "CRYPTOPUNKS" for all data points. 4) "token_id": A unique unit256 ID for the transacted token (Each NFT token is identified by a unique unit256 ID). 5) "from_address": Wallet address of the seller. 6) "to_address": Wallet address of the buyer. 7) "txn_hash": Unique identifier of the transaction. 8) "currency_symbol": Currency used for the transaction. ("ETH": Ethereum ,"WETH": Weighted Ethereum,"USDC": USD coin). 9) "usd_value": Transacted price in USA dollar. 10) "exchange": The intermediary for the transactions (ex: "Project Wyvern Exchange") 11) "token_name": Name of the token being traded (unique identifier of the token). 12) "body_type": Visual traits of the transacted token (ex: "Male","Female","Zombie","Alien", and "Ape"). 13) "accessories": Visual traits of the transacted token. It contains a list of accessories the token has. (ex: "['Front Beard', 'Earring', 'Do-rag', 'Clown Eyes Green']"). 14) "price": Transacted price in currency described in "currency_symbol". 6) DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: "DegenerateApeAcademy_2022_03_31.csv" Number of variables: 22 Number of cases/rows: 2354 Variable List: 1) "block_timestamp": The time of the transaction written in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. 2) "collection_tag": Name of the collection. In this case, it is "degenape" for all data points. 3) "update_authority": Wallet address on Solana that has authority to change information about the collection. 4) "token_id": A unique unit256 ID for the transacted token (Each NFT token is identified by a unique unit256 ID). 5) "token_name": Name of the token being traded (unique identifier of the token). 6) "first_signature": Unique identifier of the transaction on Solana blockchain. 7) "currency_symbol": Currency used for the transaction. In this case, it is "SOL" which represents Solana blockchain. 8) "exchange": The intermediary for the transactions (ex: Opensea). 9) "usd_value": Transacted price in USA dollar. 10) "pre_token_owner": Wallet address of the seller. 11) "post_token_owner": Wallet address of the buyer. 12) "symbol": Symbol of the collection. In this case, it is "DAPE" for all data points. 13) "Background": Visual traits of the transacted token (ex: "Purple"). 14) "Fur_Skin": Visual trait, "Fur/Skin" of the transacted token. (ex: "Black / Gray"). 15) "Head": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Fishig Hat"). 16) "Mouth": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Drool") 17) "Teeth": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Wooden Tooth") 18) "Clothing": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Hoodie") 19) "Eyewear": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "3d Glasses"). 20) "generation": technical parameter in token's blockchain meta data (unique to NFT collections on Solana blockchain). 21) "sequence": technical parameter in token's blockchain meta data (unique to NFT collections on Solana blockchain). 22) "price": Transacted price in currency described in "currency_symbol". 7) DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: "Meebits_2022_03_31.csv" Number of variables: 24 Number of cases/rows: 25566 Variable List: 1) "block_timestamp": The time of the transaction written in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. 2) "contract_address": Address of the smart contract associated with the Meebits NFT collection. 3) "collection_name": Name of the collection. In this case, it is "Meebits" for all data points. 4) "token_id": A unique unit256 ID for the transacted token (Each NFT token is identified by a unique unit256 ID). 5) "from_address": Wallet address of the seller. 6) "to_address": Wallet address of the buyer. 7) "txn_hash": Unique identifier of the transaction. 8) "currency_symbol": Currency used for the transaction. ("ETH": Ethereum ,"WETH": Weighted Ethereum,"USDC": USD coin). 9) "usd_value": Transacted price in USA dollar. 10) "exchange": The intermediary for the transactions (ex: "Project Wyvern Exchange") 11) "token_name": Name of the token being traded (unique identifier of the token). 12) "Type": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Human") 13) "Hair.Style": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Very Long") 14) "Hair.Color": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Dark") 15) "Glasses": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Sunglasses") 16) "Glasses.Color": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "White") 17) "Shirt": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Suit") 18) "Shirt.Color": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Purple") 19) "Pants": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Leggings") 20) "Pants.Color": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Denim") 21) "Shoes": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Workboots") 22) "Shoes.Color": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Red") 23) "Earring": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "Gold Earring") 24) "price": Transacted price in currency described in "currency_symbol". 8) DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: "MutantApeYachtClub_2022_03_31.csv" Number of variables: 18 Number of cases/rows: 30073 Variable List: 1) "block_timestamp": The time of the transaction written in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. 2) "contract_address": Address of the smart contract associated with the Mutant Ape Yacht Club NFT collection. 3) "collection_name": Name of the collection. In this case, it is "MutantApeYachtClub" for all data points. 4) "token_id": A unique unit256 ID for the transacted token (Each NFT token is identified by a unique unit256 ID). 5) "from_address": Wallet address of the seller. 6) "to_address": Wallet address of the buyer. 7) "txn_hash": Unique identifier of the transaction. 8) "currency_symbol": Currency used for the transaction. ("ETH": Ethereum ,"WETH": Weighted Ethereum,"USDC": USD coin). 9) "usd_value": Transacted price in USA dollar. 10) "exchange": The intermediary for the transactions (ex: "Project Wyvern Exchange") 11) "token_name": Name of the token being traded (unique identifier of the token). 12) ~ 17) are all visual traits of the transacted token. Visual traits have modifier "M1" or "M2," and they represent two different visual traits. (ex: For the Background column "M1 Blue" and "M2 Blue" are not the same). 12) "Hat": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "M1 Bowler") 13) "Clothes": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "M1 Blue Dress") 14) "Eyes": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "M1 Closed") 15) "Background": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "M1 Blue") 16) "Fur": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "M1 Zombie") 17) "Mouth": Visual trait of the transacted token (ex: "M2 Rage") 18) "price": Transacted price in currency described in "currency_symbol". Citations to related works: 1) Lennart Ante. The non-fungible token (nft) market and its relationship with bitcoin and ethereum. FinTech, 1(3):216–224, 2022. ISSN 2674-1032. doi: 10.3390/fintech1030017. URL 2) L.J. Baals, B. Lucey, C. Long, and S. Vigne. Towards a research agenda on the financial economics of nft’s. Available at SSRN:, 2022. doi: 3) Hong Bao and David Roubaud. Recent development in fintech: Non-fungible token. 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