=========================================================================================================== README for DATASET "Data from: High-latitude stratospheric aerosol injection to preserve the Arctic" =========================================================================================================== This readme file describes the dataset used in the following Earth's Future paper: Lee, W. R., MacMartin, D. G., Visioni, D., Kravitz, B., Chen, Y., Moore, J. C., Leguy, G., Lawrence, D. M, and Bailey, D. A.: High-latitude stratospheric aerosol injection to preserve the Arctic, Earth's Future, 2022. Please cite this dataset as: Lee (2022) Data from: High-latitude stratospheric aerosol injection to preserve the Arctic, Cornell University eCommons Digital Repository. https://doi.org/10.7298/gnmp-q653 This dataset is shared under a Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). The material can be shared and built upon, but attribution to the original authors and a statement of changes made is required. All files in the dataset are NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) and can be easily read in common programming languages (python, Matlab, R, NCL, C++, and others). Files have been produced with the climate model CESM2-WACCM-MA for a background simulation (SSP2-4.5) and numerous stratospheric aerosol injection simulations described in the paper. Each NetCDF file contains and contains the variable (with a short description) and the spatial and temporal coordinates (i.e. latitude, longitude and vertical levels (when applicable, in hPa)). All associated coordinates are described in each file. NetCDF files are grouped together in .zip files by variable. Zip files are named as follows: Lee_EF2022_[variable].zip Individual NetCDF files are named as follows: [Simulation name]_[ensemble number]_[variable]_[zm (if zonal mean)].nc Name of simulation Ensemble size Description ==================================================================================================================== Historical 3 Baseline, 1850-2014 SSP245 3 Baseline, 2015-2100 Arctic Low 1 SAI with the purpose of maintaining September sea ice at 2030 levels, beginning in 2035 Arctic High 1 SAI with the purpose of maintaining September sea ice at 2010 levels, beginning in 2035 Global+1.5 3 SAI with the purpose of maintaining temperatures at 1.5 C above preindustrial, beginning in 2035 The Global+1.5 simulation is described in MacMartin et. al., Scenarios for modeling solar radiation modification, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (2022). Additional data for Global+1.5 (and similar simulations Global+1.0 and Global+0.5), including TREFHT, PRECT, ICEFRAC, and AODVISstdn, is located here: Visioni (2022) Data from: Scenarios for modeling solar radiation modification, Cornell University eCommons Digital Repository. https://doi.org/10.7298/xr82-sv86 Variable name dimensions units His. SSP Arc.L Arc.H Gb1.5 description ==================================================================================================================== ALTMAX lon x lat (50N-90N) x time m [ ] [x] [x] [x] [x] annual maximum active layer thickness AODVISstdn lat x time (unitless) [ ] [ ] [x] [x] [ ] stratospheric aerosol optical depth deposition lat x time kg/m2/s [T] [T] [ ] [x] [ ] sulfur deposition; sum of the model variables so4_a1DDF, so4_a1SFWET, so4_a2DDF, so4_a2SFWET, so4_a3DDF, so4_a3SFWET, so4_c1DDF, so4_c1SFWET, so4_c2DDF, so4_c2SFWET, so4_c3DDF, and so4_c3SFWET FLDS lat x time W/m2 [ ] [x] [ ] [x] [ ] radiative flux, downward longwave at surface FLNS lat x time W/m2 [ ] [x] [ ] [x] [ ] radiative flux, net longwave at surface FLNSC lat x time W/m2 [ ] [x] [ ] [x] [ ] clear-sky radiative flux, net longwave at surface FLNT lat x time W/m2 [ ] [x] [ ] [x] [ ] radiative flux, net longwave at top of model FLNTC lat x time W/m2 [ ] [x] [ ] [x] [ ] clear-sky radiative flux, net longwave at top of model FSDS lat x time W/m2 [ ] [x] [ ] [x] [ ] radiative flux, downward shortwave at surface FSDSC lat x time W/m2 [ ] [x] [ ] [x] [ ] clear-sky radiative flux, downward shortwave at surface FSNS lat x time W/m2 [ ] [x] [ ] [x] [ ] radiative flux, net shortwave at surface FSNT lat x time W/m2 [ ] [x] [ ] [x] [ ] radiative flux, net shortwave at top of model FSNTC lat x time W/m2 [ ] [x] [ ] [x] [ ] clear-sky radiative flux, net shortwave at top of model ICEFRAC lon x lat (0N-90N) x time (unitless) [ ] [x] [x] [x] [ ] fraction of grid cell covered in sea ice PRECT lon x lat x time m/s [x] [x] [ ] [x] [ ] total precipitation; sum of the model variables PRECC and PRECL when not outputted directly QREFHT lat x time kg/kg [ ] [x] [ ] [x] [ ] near-surface humidity smb x1 x y1 x time mm/yr H20-eq. [x] [x] [ ] [x] [x] glacier surface mass balance sulfur burden lat x alt x time kg/kg [ ] [x] [ ] [x] [ ] sulfur concentration; sum of the model variables so4_a1, so4_a2, and ao4_a3 sulfur column burden lat x time kg/m2 [ ] [x] [ ] [x] [ ] sulfur column burden; sum of the model variables TMso4_a1, TMso4_a2, and TMso4_a3 TOTECOSYSC lon x lat (50N-90N) x time gC/m2 [ ] [x] [x] [x] [x] total ecosystem carbon TOTSOMC lon x lat (50N-90N) x time gC/m2 [ ] [x] [x] [x] [x] total soil organic matter carbon TOTVEGC lon x lat (50N-90N) x time gC/m2 [ ] [x] [x] [x] [x] total vegetation carbon TOT_CLD_VISTAU lat x alt x time (unitless) [ ] [o] [ ] [x] [ ] total cloud optical depth in the visible spectrum TREFHT lon x lat x time K [x] [x] [x] [x] [ ] near-surface air temperature TROP_P lat x time Pa [ ] [x] [ ] [x] [ ] tropopause pressure [x] - data is included for this simulation [o] - data is included for this simulation, but only one ensemble member [T] - data is included for this simulation, but only one ensemble member and from CESM2(WACCM-TSMLT) instead of CESM2(WACCM-MA)