=========================================================================================================== README for DATASET "Data from: An approach to sulfate geoengineering with surface emissions of carbonyl sulfide" =========================================================================================================== This readme file describes the dataset used in the following ACP paper: Quaglia, I., Visioni, D., Pitari, G., and Kravitz, B.: An approach to sulfate geoengineering with surface emissions of carbonyl sulfide, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 1–28, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-22-5757-2022, 2022. Please cite this dataset as: Quaglia, I., Visioni, D. (2022) Data from: An approach to sulfate geoengineering with surface emissions of carbonyl sulfide. [Dataset] Cornell University eCommons Digital Repository. https://doi.org/10.7298/mwfw-hf34 Author Contacts: Daniele Visioni, dv224@cornell.edu Ilaria Quaglia, ilaria.quaglia@aquila.infn.it This dataset is shared under a Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). The material can be shared and built upon, but attribution to the original authors and a statement of changes made is required. All files in the dataset are NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) and can be easily read in common programming languages (python, Matlab, R, NCL, C++, and others). Files have been produced with the climate model ULAQ-CCM for a background simulation (BG) and three geoengineering simulation: the injection of 4 Tg-S of SO2 (SG-SO2), the enhancement of 40 Tg-S/yr of COS surface emission (SG-COS-SRF) and the injection of 6 Tg-S/yr of COS in the tropical upper troposphere (SG-COS-TTL). Files are organized in different .zip files with the same name of the experiment, as reported in the paper. The name of the experiment have been changed during the writing of the paper, therefore the experiment name in the single files name appear in the following way: Quaglia_etal_ACP2022_BG -> BG_COS SQuaglia_etal_ACP2022_G-COS-SRF -> SG_OCS Quaglia_etal_ACP2022_SG-COS-TTL -> SG_OCST Quaglia_etal_ACP2022_SG-SO2 -> SG_SO2. The single files are described as follow: [Variable name]_monthly_ULAQ-CCM_[Simulation name]_[starting_date_yyymm]-[ending_date_yyymm].nc and contains the variable (with a short description) and the spatial and temporal coordinates (i.e. latitude, longitude and vertical levels (when applicable, in hPa)). All associated coordinates are described in each file. The variables shared are: ==================================================================================================================== Variable name dimensions long name units folder cs2_up_flux 2D-map CS2 upward flux kg m-2 s-1 BG dms_up_flux 2D-map DMS upward flux kg m-2 s-1 BG h2s_up_flux 2D-map H2S upward flux kg m-2 s-1 BG ocs_up_flux 2D-map OCS upward flux kg m-2 s-1 BG so2_up_flux 2D-map SO2 upward flux kg m-2 s-1 BG so4_up_flux 2D-map SO4 upward flux kg m-2 s-1 BG drycs2 2D-map CS2 dry deposition kg m-2 s-1 BG, SG-COS-SRF, SG-SO2 dryh2s 2D-map H2S dry deposition kg m-2 s-1 BG, SG-COS-SRF, SG-SO2 dryh2so4g 2D-map H2SO4g dry deposition kg m-2 s-1 BG, SG-COS-SRF, SG-SO2 drymsa 2D-map MSA dry deposition kg m-2 s-1 BG, SG-COS-SRF, SG-SO2 dryocs 2D-map OCS dry deposition kg m-2 s-1 BG, SG-COS-SRF, SG-SO2 dryso2 2D-map SO2 dry deposition kg m-2 s-1 BG, SG-COS-SRF, SG-SO2 dryso4 2D-map SO4 dry deposition kg m-2 s-1 BG, SG-COS-SRF, SG-SO2 sediso4 2D-map SO4 sedimentation kg m-2 s-1 BG, SG-COS-SRF, SG-SO2 wetso2 2D-map SO2 wet deposition kg m-2 s-1 BG, SG-COS-SRF, SG-SO2 wetso4 2D-map SO4 wet deposition kg m-2 s-1 BG, SG-COS-SRF, SG-SO2 wetmsa 2D-map MSA wet deposition kg m-2 s-1 BG, SG-COS-SRF, SG-SO2 wdh2so4 2D-map H2SO4 wet deposition kg m-2 s-1 BG, SG-COS-SRF, SG-SO2 o3col 2D-map O3 column DU BG, SG-COS-SRF, SG-SO2 o3trpcol 2D-map O3 tropospheric column DU BG, SG-COS-SRF, SG-SO2 ocsburd 2D-map OCS total burden kg m-2 BG ocsstrburd 2D-map OCS stratospheric burden kg m-2 BG, SG-COS-SRF, SG-COS-TTL od525so4 2D-map Sulfate AOD at 525 nm 1 BG od525so4_str 2D-map Sulfate Strat AOD at 525 nm 1 BG, SG-COS-SRF, SG-COS-TTL, SG-SO2 ec525so4 3D-map Sulfate extinction at 525 nm m-1 BG, SG-COS-SRF, SG-SO2 sad_so4 3D-map Sulfate SAD m2 m-3 BG, SG-COS-SRF,SG-COS-TTL, SG-SO2 reff_so4 3D-map Sulfate effective radius m SG-COS-SRF, SG-COS-TTL, SG-SO2 mmrso4aer 3D-map SO4 mass mixing ratio kg kg-1 SG-COS-SRF, SG-SO2 vmro3 3D-map Ozone volume mixing ratio mole mole-1 SG-COS-SRF, SG-SO2 vmrocs 3D-map OCS volume mixing ratio mole mole-1 SG-COS-SRF, SG-COS-TTL, SG-SO2 vmrso2 3D-map SO2 volume mixing ratio mole mole-1 SG-COS-SRF, SG-SO2 Acknowledgments Support for D. V. was provided by the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future at Cornell University and by the National Science Foundation through agreement CBET-1818759.